Past events

OISE 6th Floor, Room 6-184 Dr. Carol A. Mullen to present on Creativity in Post-secondary Science: A Global Partnership with China in the High-Stakes Testing Era.

OISE 6th Floor, Room 6-184 Dr. Cherie Woolmer to present on faculty-student partnerships in higher education, informed by critical pedagogy and socio-cultural approaches to change and measuring impact.

Dr. James Turk - Can universities preserve freedom of speech while promoting equity?
OISE 6th Floor, Room 6-184 Dr. James Turk to discuss the controversy over freedom of expression and academic freedom in universities. Freedom of expression and academic freedom have always been controversial. Now they are being portrayed as contrary to equity and inclusiveness. Is that necessarily the case? Join us in discussion of the BIG question: Can universities preserve freedom of speech while promoting equity?

OISE 6th Floor, Room 6-184 Dr. Silvia Annen to present on how immigrants to Canada can use their foreign qualifications and skills in their actual occupation. Her research aims to identify approaches and methods which employers and other stakeholders use to make decisions regarding foreign qualification recognition.

OISE Library Dr. Shamsh Kassim-Lakha to speak on "Education at the Roof of the World - The Story of the University of Central Asia"

Student presentations for Comparative & International Education Society Annual Conference
CIDE/CIHE Joint Seminar: Student presentations for Comparative & International Education Society Annual Conference

Dr. Gaële Goastellec to speak on "Internationalisation of academic careers and markets: a European perspective".

Dr. Alon Eisenstein
Dr. Alon Eisenstein to speak on “Measuring critical thinking in entrepreneurial work-integrated learning activities”

Dr. Leesa Wheelahan to speak on "What is the capabilities approach? What are its potential and limitations in post-secondary education research?"

Dr. Marie-Agnès Détourbe - Scientific results and lessons learned from an international comparative higher education publication – Inclusion through Access to Higher Education
Dr. Marie-Agnès Détourbe to speak on “Scientific results and lessons learned from an international comparative higher education publication – Inclusion through Access to Higher Education. Exploring the Dynamics between Access to Higher Education, Immigration and Languages”