
Cassidy Gong
The largest and arguably leading global scholarship on the development and functioning of private higher education (PHE) finds that most policy for PHE is privately made and that even public policy for PHE tends to follow "pluralist-market" (and even "laissez-faire" dynamics) more than statist dynamics.
Sandra Acker, Oili-Helena Ylijoki, & Michelle McGinn
Over several years, three seasoned higher education scholars collaborated on an edited volume, *The Social Production of Research: Perspectives on Funding and Gender* (Acker, Ylijoki, & McGinn, 2024), published by Routledge in the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) series. This paper contributes to the underexplored topic of scholarly editing.
Navigating New Directions in International Education event poster.
OISE Library
Join us for a consortium on international education and the new directions that our higher education system may be trending towards. This conference is being hosted jointly by the Centre for Canadian and International Higher Education (CIHE) at OISE and the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO).
Juliette Sweeney
In 2022, only 27% of graduates from Canadian graduate engineering programs were women, not much more than the 22% they were in 2002. Universities, governments and the engineering profession have worked for many years to increase the number of women in engineering, including in graduate engineering schools, but these programs have had limited success.