Past events

Dismantling the Father's House? Women as Doctoral Supervisors With Dr. Barbara M. Grant

Progress Report on the Social Role of Colleges With Dr. Gavin Moodie

Restructuring Irish Post-Secondary Education – 1970s to 2023 With Professor Ellen Hazelkorn

252 Bloor Street West 2023 Community College Leadership Symposium theme, Colleges’ Role in Building the Ontario of Tomorrow.

OISE 6th Floor, Room 6-184 Equal Partnerships, and Ethical Internationalisation in Higher Education: Understanding ASEAN and Sino-Foreign Partnerships With Dr. Miguel Antonio Lim

Grace Karram Stephenson - What’s the Value of an M.Ed. in an era of Generative AI?
What’s the Value of an M.Ed. in an era of Generative AI? With Grace Karram Stephenson

Jane Knight - The Role of IHERI in International Relations: Knowledge Diplomacy vs. Soft Power
The Role of IHERI in International Relations: Knowledge Diplomacy vs. Soft Power With Jane Knight

This virtual conference is brought to you by the graduating cohort of students in the Master of Education, Higher Education Leadership program cohort 10 under the coordination of Dr. Katharine Janzen within the Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Leesa Wheelahan - The College Sector
The College Sector With Leesa Wheelahan

Higher education regionalization (HER), a trend of closer collaboration between higher education actors within their own world region, is gaining increasing momentum in global higher education. The most salient example is the Bologna Process in Europe, resulting in an array of research focusing on Europe. Yet, while HER initiatives are also happening worldwide in Asia, Latin America and Africa, understanding of these regions is limited.