January 1, 2023
Ministry of Education, Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Guidelines - For Consolidated Municipal Service Managers and District Social Services Administration Boards
Excerpt: "Updated: Workforce compensation funding will be provided to offset wage increases for non-RECE staff associated with the increased minimum wage that came into effect October 1, 2022; Clarified: Funding will be provided to support a $1/hour annual increase for RECE staff whose hourly wage, including the wage enhancement grant (WEG), is at or above the wage floor for the year, to a cap of $25/hour; Added: Examples to illustrate the calculation of workforce compensation for the 2023 wage floor and the annual $1 increase, including accounting for those whose wages that fall between $24.01-$24.99/hour; who will receive a top up to their wages to reach the $25/hour cap; Clarified: Licensees may increase wages beyond the $1/hour annual increase; however, CWELCC workforce compensation funding may only be used to fund the incremental amount required to bring RECE staff wages to the wage floor and for up to $1/hour wage increase."