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March 7, 2025

Healthy meals for kids, savings for families in British Columbia

Excerpt: "Today, the Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and the Honourable Lisa Beare, British Columbia’s Minister of Education and Child Care, announced an agreement that will enable British Columbia to enhance school food programs for 90,000 kids in just over 1,000 schools across the province this school year. With this agreement, families in British Columbia with two children in school can save an estimated $800 in grocery bills a year on average. Our National School Food Program is a direct investment into the middle class—helping teachers and making mornings a little easier for working families. It is also a safety net for the kids who need this support the most. As part of this agreement, the Government of Canada will invest approximately $39.4 million over the next three years to enhance school food programs in the province to feed more kids, including in rural and remote areas. This investment will mean important improvements to school food programs such as increasing the number students served, purchasing much-needed school kitchen equipment, and increasing the nutrition of school meals which will provide more inclusive menu options that take into account dietary restrictions and cultural preferences."
March 7, 2025

Minister’s, parliamentary secretary’s statement about federal government’s investment in ChildCareBC

Excerpt: "“The federal government is committing more than $5.3 billion over five years. This investment will assist our government in supporting families throughout our province as we work to make child care a core service people can rely on. Access to affordable and quality child care is life-changing for parents and it’s good for our communities and our economy as a whole. “From speaking with constituents, families and advocates, we know the relief that comes with securing quality child care you can afford. The additional federal funding over the next five years will assist our government in continuing to make child care more affordable for families. By increasing access to child care, this funding will support early childhood educators and others in the child care workforce to deliver the quality child care families need."
March 6, 2025

Affordable child care, a stronger economy

Excerpt: "Today, the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, alongside the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, announced that the federal government has reached early learning and child care extension agreements with 11 out of 13 provinces and territories, ensuring families get all the supports they need so they can join the workforce or continue their career while raising their kids. With these extensions, provinces and territories will receive $36.8 billion to move forward on progress to create new child care spaces, reduce waitlists, and hire more early childhood educators across the country. Affordable child care is good for kids and parents, and it’s good for the economy as well. With this increased and continued investment in early learning and child care, more parents – especially women – can enter the workforce and advance their careers. That means more good-paying jobs, more opportunities for early childhood educators, more economic growth across our communities, and a stronger, fairer Canada for everyone. It is estimated that for every dollar invested in child care, the economy gets $2.80 in return – a testament to the fact that affordable child care is good for families, and good for our country."
March 6, 2025

Healthy meals for kids, savings for families in the Northwest Territories

Excerpt: "As part of this agreement, the Government of Canada will invest $7.4 million over the next three years to enhance and expand the Territory’s existing Healthy Food for Learning program, providing enhanced programming to 8,615 kids across all 49 schools in the territory this year. Federal investments will be put toward purchasing new kitchen equipment and upgrading kitchens, hiring new staff dedicated to school food programming and coordination, increasing availability of traditional foods, and improving the nutritional value of meal options. Schools in the territories have taken a collaborative approach to building and addressing their school food programs needs by working together with local business partners, elders, educators and students."
March 6, 2025

Toward $10-a-day: An Early Learning and Child Care Backgrounder

Excerpt: "Under their Agreements, provinces and territories have committed to creating more than 250,000 new child care spaces across the country by March 2026. As of February 2025, provinces and territories have announced measures to create over 150,000 new child care spaces, representing a 16 percent increase for children aged 0-5 since 2019."
March 5, 2025

New funding for early learning and child care initiatives in Francophone minority communities

Excerpt: "The Commission nationale des parents francophones (CNPF) is receiving $47.7 million in new funding to create a network of early learning and child care stakeholders that will support cross-sectoral coordination in the implementation of specific initiatives for Francophone minority communities across Canada. Through partnerships, the network will provide funding for the implementation of specific initiatives that will improve access to quality, affordable, flexible and inclusive early learning and child care services and programs for children and families in Francophone minority communities, while helping to build Francophone cultural identity and supporting the French-speaking workforce in the sector. The Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC) is receiving $16.3 million to expand and continue the development of initial, continuous and specialized training programs for early childhood educators in Francophone minority communities. The ACUFC will fund initiatives that aim to address challenges facing the early childhood sector, strengthen the skills of early childhood educators and promote the profession while supporting access to high quality child care for children and their families in Francophone minority communities."
March 3, 2025

New reports on early learning and child care inclusion practices and supports available

Excerpt: "New reports on developmental inclusion practices and supports within Northwest Territories (NWT) early learning and child care settings are now available. Between June 2023 and July 2024, a third party was contracted to review current inclusion-related educational practices and supports available within licensed early learning and child care programs in the NWT. This review was informed through engagement and interviews with partners, including early childhood educators and identified organizations who provide inclusion supports to early learning and child care programs. The results of this engagement are included in the Review of Inclusive Education Practices in Early Learning and Child Care settings in the Northwest Territories – What We Heard. The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) also published a response to the findings of the What We Heard Report."