News & Stories: Publications

September 21, 2016

Two commissions, same advice for New Brunswick early years

Excerpt: "Polling indicates Canadians understand and value public education, placing it only behind health care as a public good. As such we legislate it as a child’s right, invest in it and provide public oversight. Canadians are less familiar with childcare and are unsure where responsibility lies for its provision."
October 25, 2016

“I’m more than ‘just’ an ECE”: Decent work from the perspective of Ontario’s early childhood workforce

Excerpt: "Across all eight communities participants expressed dissatisfaction with low wages, which they felt did not reflect their level of training or experience in the sector. The majority of participants believed that in order to recruit and retain RECEs, the starting wage should be set at $20 per hour or be equal to the starting wage of Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECEs) working in FDK programs. For example, a participant from Peel stated, “As educators, we set the foundation for children and deserve equal pay to teachers.” The AECEO’s regional wage scale discussion paper suggests using the wages and benefits currently paid by municipal programs and other unionized environments as a benchmark for wage scales in the province (AECEO, 2015). Higher salaries and better benefits paid by school boards have lead many RECEs to leave positions in licensed child care to pursue careers in FDK, resulting in a recruitment and retention strain in licensed child care. Discussions about wages and benefits in FDK vs licensed child care led a number of participants to acknowledge feeling divided as a workforce."
November 28, 2016

Finishing the Best Start vision in Ontario: A response to Ontario’s early years consultation

Excerpt: "Investments in expanding both capacity and affordability must go hand-in-hand. Each municipality needs the flexibility to plan the right balance based on local circumstances between increasing access through capital and increasing access through operating/subsidy. Allowing for a phased approach provides the flexibility to change based on changing circumstances from year to year."
January 2, 2017

Response to the “Building A Better Future” discussion paper from Petr Varmuza and Laura Coulman, PhD Candidates at OISE, University of Toronto, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development, Early Learning Cohort

Excerpt: "What is needed now, for the early years and child care system, can be achieved in a gradual, orderly transition following from the innovative work that was set underway when your government created the public alternative to private delivery of early childhood education and care in Ontario for children ages four and five years. The reality is that more than one quarter of families in which parents are working or in school for 30 or more hours per week, have no regular child care arrangements. They resort to split shifts and weekend work which results in poorer work-life balance, reduced family time, and increased stress. And, of the children who are in a care arrangement full-time, more than one third are in informal care arrangements."
March 24, 2017

Budget 2017 says all the right things but women still pick up the tab

Excerpt: "The headlines scream $7-billion for child care but dial back the enthusiasm. New funding creeps up from $500-million this year to $550-million a year over the next five years. It is not until post-election and another five years before annual funding tops out in 2028 at $870-million. Over a decade ago Paul Martin Liberals came out of the gate with $1-billion a year over 5 years and a plan that continued to shape provincial child care services long after the Harper government extinguished the money."
July 26, 2017

StrongStart BC Early Learning Prorgrams: Evaluation 2017

Excerpt: "This external evaluation of StrongStart BC is intended to generate knowledge and understanding about the efficacy of the program in meeting its objectives to support children’s early development and transition to kindergarten. It presents findings relating to service delivery and the experiences of children and families, and highlights some of the strengths, challenges and future considerations for StrongStart BC. The evaluation was commissioned by the BC Ministry of Education and the Provincial Office for the Early Years and carried outby researchers from the University of Toronto."
April 20, 2017

Twelve Flawed Statements of the Fraser Institute on Quebec’s Childcare Program

Excerpt: "This Research Bulletin is an affront to the standards promised by the Fraser Institute’s website, according to which “careful, accurate and rigorous measurement” is the foundation for its work, and the source of its data is “always provided.” The twelve arguments made in support of its view that Quebec’s childcare program is “flawed” do not hold water. Measurement is often careless, inaccurate, negligent, absent or mathematically absurd. Many sources are anachronistic, contrarian or unrelated to the argument, irrelevant, misinterpreted or missing. Simple correlations are fallaciously taken as identifiers of cause and effect.

All in all, an intellectual disaster."
May 5, 2017

Declaration: For Recognition of All Children’s Right to Quality Educational Services, from Birth Onward

Excerpt: "Here is the Declaration of the Summit on Early Childhood Education for recognition of the right of every child to quality education services from birth. If you wish, you can make a citizen gesture by signing this Declaration electronically. In doing so, you will affirm your adherence to the principles set out therein and which promote equal opportunities for every citizen."
June 10, 2017

Fundamental flaws flash over Ontario’s child care plan

Excerpt: "There is much to commend in the ministry’s document, but the fundamental flaws are flashing. As long as child care remains a market-driven service, designed as a workforce support and co-existing alongside an unlicensed black market, quality, affordable, universal, transparent, and accountable will remain words, and not the drivers of system transformation."
June 12, 2017

Early childhood services that work for children, families and islanders

Excerpt: "The research is designed to evaluate: The effects of the continuous early years program participation on children’s readiness for school; The value of a focused professional development agenda on child outcomes; The impact of public investments in early years programming on child outcomes."
October 31, 2017

Policy Briefing Note: The Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce

Excerpt: "More than 190,000 people are part of Canada’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce. ECEC workers are employed in early childhood programs operated by non-profit agencies and for-profit companies. They work in the public sector in postsecondary institutions, for school boards, and for local and provincial governments. They also work in private homes as unregulated child care providers, as independent contractors for regulated child care agencies, and as live-in nannies."