Co-Curricular Designation in Environmental & Sustainability Education

This Co-Curricular Record (CCR) learning opportunity offers OISE students a way to deepen their learning about Environmental & Sustainability Education (ESE). It offers special recognition of students' commitment to learning in this area while at OISE, and offers an edge when applying for teaching positions as sustainability is an emerging area of interest for many school boards. It recognizes the importance of the co-curricular (aka extra-curricular) learning you undertake in ESE as a complement to your OISE degree program, and is formally recognized on your CCR by the university as part of your record of learning while at UofT.

Cost: None! This award is a voluntary undertaking for OISE students; there is no extra cost for it, but there is a commitment above the normal requirements for your degree program. 

Timing: You can work towards the Environmental CCR Opportunity at any time during your academic program; you have two years to complete it. Your submission to demonstrate completion of the CCR designation must be submitted by May 1, 2024 so it can be validated by OISE's SCAN office in May and U of T's CCR Office in June.

There are three CCR designations for OISE students in Environmental & Sustainability Education (ESE) to work towards:

  • Level 1 - Sustainability Explorer (attends 5 ESE events and writes a 250 word reflection on ESE learning)
  • Level 2 - Sustainability Steward (attends 5 ESE events, one OISE conference in ESE, and writes a 350 word reflection on ESE learning)
  • Level 3 - Sustainability Leader (attends 5 ESE events, an OISE conference in ESE, completes 15 hours of service learning in ESE, and writes a 500 word reflection on ESE learning)

Details of CCR Components

ESE Events Component: Attend a minimum of five (5) co-curricular learning events focused on ESE while at OISE. These can include workshops, talks, lectures, field trips, ELC meetings, or other ESE events. Visit theh Events page for a listing of what is on offer. (Levels 1-3 must complete this.)

ESE Conference Component: Each year OISE partners with the TDSB to offer a one-day conference focused on ESE.  Attend the conference, the keynote(s) and at least two workshops to complete this component. (If you are unable to attend the annual OISE conference, reach out to us to get approval on an equivalent conference.)  (Levels 2-3 must complete this)

Service Learning (SL) Component: Demonstrate leadership in ESE by volunteering for and/or leading ESE activities, research projects or initiatives at OISE, in a local school, or in a community organization. We have a range of possible SL sites and partners you can get involved with or feel free to email us at OISE students must provide evidence of completion by having a host teacher or supervisor sign off on your hours. A minimum of 15 hours of service learning must be completed. (Level 3 must complete this)

Reflection Component
Write a reflection of your learning in ESE as the last component of the CCR designation. This can describe and analyze what you have learned as you have worked your way through the other components, reflect on the benefits and challenges of your service learning work, articulate questions you have about the practices in ESE you've learned about, and/or identify what you'd like to do with your learning in ESE moving forward. (Levels 1-3 must complete this)

Applying for this CCR Designation:

1. Register your interest in completing this CCR Designation on UofT's Career Learning Network.

2. For all levels, attend ESE events and/or the ESE conference (for Levels 2+3) as required. It is your responsibility to keep a record of the name of each event and conference workshop you have attended as this info cannot be provided for you. If you are attending events in person, be sure to sign the attendance list (not required for online events as this happens automatically.)

3. For Level 3, complete the SL hours and maintain an activity log and name and contact info of your supervisor. 

4. For all levels, complete your written reflection (250- 500 words, depending on the Level you are applying for.) 

5. For all levels, complete the CCR submission form with the information about your ESE learning. (This form will re-open in May 2025).

All applications are processed in June each year. Check your CCR on the Career Learning Network by the end of June to ensure that the validation process has been been completed successfully.

If you have questions, email