Past Events


Scan researh series: title: new imainaries for socio-ecological justice, on mountain background
Join Dr. Kathleen Gallagher on March 19th to learn about ethnographic research on the climate crisis as explored by young people in drama-making spaces.
lightbulb with event text around
This webinar will explore embedding energy literacy and climate change education into K-12 curricula as teachers prepare for Earth Hour and Earth month.
Picture of Dr. Elizabeth Lange with event name and date
Dr. Elizabeth Lange will detail some of the new “stories,” principles and practices of transformative teaching for sustainability and climate justice.
Exploring CCE Webinar Title with photos of presenters
Join North American researchers as they share their exploration of the challenges and opportunities in advancing Climate Change Education in teacher education.
Blue orb with interior text that reads "Sustainability Learning Circle Meeting #3 Jan 29, 4-5pm at OISE" on a background of a snowwy forest
Join OISE's third meeting of the Sustainability Learning Circle on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.