with Dr. Elizabeth Lange

Our Great Work of Transformation: Anticipating the Symbiocene Era

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1-2pm ET

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We are called to the “Great Work” of transformation, where we situate our way of being within the story of the cosmos, the Earth, and the fate of species including the human species. How might we engage transformative learning to foster the transition from the Holocene/ Anthropocene eras to an anticipated Symbiocene era, where we learn to live in symbiosis with the living Earth? In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Lange, a transformative sustainability education leader, will detail some of the new “stories,” principles and practices of transformative teaching for sustainability and climate justice, from a relationality approach. Organized in collaboration with OISE’s SCAN and the University of Toronto’s CoP on Sustainability Teaching. Please register in advance for this webinar.

About the Speaker

Elizabeth Lange Photo

Dr. Elizabeth Lange

More information about Dr. Lange's can be read here.

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