Past Events Feed

If your team is planning to host multiple events, an events feed can be a great way to compile all upcoming events in an organized and easy-to-access manner. This feature is designed to automatically sort and display events in ascending order, making it easy for users to browse through them chronologically. Additionally, past events are automatically moved to a separate listing page called "past events" without any user intervention required.

The events feed can also be used to add events internally through the Drupal system, or linked externally to events hosted on other platforms such as Zoom or MS Teams. This makes it easy to manage all your events from a single location, regardless of where they are hosted.

An integrated tagging feature is also available to make the events feed even more customizable. This allows you to tag events with specific keywords, making it easy to filter and sort events based on your needs. Education Commons can also manipulate events to show up on different webpages or categories, depending on your specific requirements/tags.

Adding events feed pages to a website requires customization by Education Commons Drupal Developers. However, no formal approval is needed to add this feature to a specific website. The Education Commons will, however, ask how many events you host yearly to ensure that the page does not appear empty throughout the calendar year.


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