Take a look at some of the exciting research our graduates have conducted since 2018. On this page, you can browse thesis titles by program. 

Find an interesting project and want to read it? Many Doctoral and Master's theses are digitized and available through the OISE Collection on TSpace, the University of Toronto's research repository. 


Virginia Kanyogonya 
Examining how meaningful employment is understood by Employment Ontario Second Career participants   


Hoda Farahmandpour 
Resisting Common-sense Notions of Employability, Risk, and Race: A Multi-case Study of Reimagined Approaches to Youth Employment Training in Toronto 

Judy Grant 
Black Women Like You in Blue: An Autoethnographic Nonsense Story of My Journey Navigating an Urbanized Canadian Police Institution   

Liujia (Ian) Tian 
Queering Social Reproduction: Pleasure and Labour in Urban Southern China     

Joseph Recupero
Gender and the Talking Stopwatch: A Qualitative Analysis on the Evolution from the "Script Assistant" to "Associate Director" Roles in Sports Broadcasting

Wraychel Gilmore
Youth Political Consultation: Understanding the Factors and Conditions of Adults Learning Human Rights Lessons from Marginalized Youth to Drive Policy and Systemic Change in Canada


Terran Lee Giacomini
Exploring Transformative Politics and Practice: The Activism of Women in La Via Campesina


Hae-sun Moon
Efficacy of Training in Solution-focused Coaching: Process Study of Learners' Progress in Response Choices

Sheldon Matthew Bromfield
Connected yet Disconnected: New Public Management and Labour Expropiation within Public Employment Services Work

Ushnish Sengupta
Towards a Values-based Data Governance Theory in the Social Economy in Ontario

Efrat Gold
Tracing Eugenics: The Rise of Totalizing Psychiatric Ideology in Canada

Trevor Wayne Corkum
Migrant youth, Islandness, and Belonging on Prince Edward Island

Amelia Fannie Merrick
Perpetuating Precarity in Theory and in Practice: A Case Study of Work-intergrated Learning in the Non-profit Sector in Northern Canada


Lauren Spring
Beyond PTSD: Moving Military Trauma out of the Realm of Psychiatry and into an Arts-Based Education and Community-Oriented Framework

Fiona Shamila Sookhai
Affective Indignities at Work: Exposing the Inequality of Feelings in Canadian Professional Workplaces

Genevieve Ritchie
Youth in Transition: The Political Economy of Migration


Anjali Tara Helferty
"We're really trying and I know it's not enough": Settler Anti-Pipeline Activists and the Turn to Frontline Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

Mahdi Ganjavi
Franklin Book Programs (1952-1977): Imperialism, State and Knowledge Production 

Dawn Shickluna 
Remembering as Praxis: Reconceptualizing Structural and State-sanctioned Violence, Oppression, and Trauma through Radical Survival Narrative Pedagogy

Dulani Suraweera
Towards Integrating Antiracism into Teaching English as a Second Language Training Programs in Ontario

Derya Tarhan
Renewable Energy Co-operatives and the Struggle for "Critical" Energy Democracy: The Case of Ontario

Brendan Michael Burrows
Film as Intervention: Raising the Bar for Teacher's Engagement with Indigenous Issues 


Chris Glover
The Impact of University Costs and Student Debt in Ontario and Quebec: A Comparative Study

Sona Kazemi
Toward a Conceptualization of Transnational Disability Theory and Praxis: Entry Point, Iraqi Chemical Attack on Iran


Leslie Tumangday 
Public School Choice, Reputation and Enrollment: Connections and Consequences in an Urban Environment

Marise Carlse
Revisioning Belonging for Early Career Teachers in Secondary Schools

Fatemeh Ameli
The Associations of Individual Characteristics and Kindergarten Context with Student Positional Math Achievement Trajectories in Ontario   

Elyse Katherine Watkins 
Skills in Focus: A Case Study of Ontario’s K-12 Learning Priorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through an Equity Lens  

Cristina Allegranza 
From Policy to Practice: Educators’ Sensemaking and Implementation of Assessment and Evaluation

Janay Marie Elizabeth Eccles 
Countering Institutional Adultism: How Canadian Independent School Senior Leaders Engage with Racialized Student Voice   



Tarek Moussa Kaoun 
An Investigation of Corporate Leaders' Experiences in using Emotional Intelligence while Leading Teams in Onsite and Virtual Environments: A Qualitative Study

Angelina Farone 
What are the Disincentives to Becoming a Principal for Gen X Women?

Jessica Shiers 
The Relationship of the Socioeconomic Status of Participants in an Advanced Academic Skills Program with Their Motivations, Perceptions, and Academic Outcomes.             

Dawn Lazerte
Amplifying Voices: Postsecondary Education Pathway Experiences of Students with Down syndrome                 

Bushra Khan
Evaluation of a Facilitation Skills Training Program to Improve Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Performance of Non-Profit Leaders in Bangladesh 

Christine Corso
Academic Engagement and Emotional Well-Being of Secondary Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic           

Hannah Mahepath
Exploring the Role of Black Teachers in Promoting Well-being and Academic Achievement of Black Students 

Ashley Rostamian
A Canadian Case of Experiential Learning and Capital Acquisition through a Domestic Student Exchange Program 

Neha Moreshwar Kapileshwarker
Teaching and Learning in High School Online Mathematics Classrooms 

Allan Morrison
Survival at the top: Issues and challenges affecting the tenure of international school heads  

Nicole Miller
Teacher Perceptions of the Value of Their Unions in Their Daily Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic   

Kathryn Peters
Making Sense with Students: Student Engagement in Quality Assurance  

Kelly Alves
Caregiver Educators' Perspectives on Their Experiences With Professional Development within the Ontario Autism Program

Tracey Evans
Understanding the Educational Experiences of Autistic Learners and Their Families in Ontario, Canada During COVID-19-Related School Closures  

Ryan Hargraves
Understanding the Factors Affecting Admissions Committee Construction at Highly Regarded Canadian Public Universities

Catherine Lee
Grounded in Inuit Worldview: The Transformation of Two Qikiqtani Nunavut Schools

Roilui Sin
Secondary Students’ Perceptions on Seeking Help for Adverse Childhood Experiences from Educators at School   

Konstantina Zoe Nicolopoulos
Examining Educational Leaders' Perspectives on School Calendar and AND Daily Schedule Models in Ontario: Impacts, Challenges, and Solutions   

Emma Ghosn
Promoting Social Justice and Inclusion: Reflecting on the Identities of Teacher Leaders to Drive Effective Teaching and Leadership Strategies     

Justin Patrick
The University of Ottawa Students Union Revolution   

Harmen (Menko) Wieske
At the Intersection of Policy and Practice: A Principal's Perspectives on New Teacher Support Under the New Teacher Induction Program in Public K-12 Schools in Ontario      

Nancy Simms
Racialized Faculty and Administrators in Ontario Colleges: A Case Study of Three Ontario Colleges      

Lauren Kennedy
Preferences for Micro-credentials Offered by Canadian Colleges and Universities     

Greg Tyrosvoutis
Designed for disruption: A comparative case study of Karen teacher development on the Thai-Myanmar border   

Kimanzi Muthengi
Democratic Student Councils and Secondary Schools in Kenya: An Exploratory Study 

Ge Ma
Local Principals' Leadership Practice in Non-Traditional International Schools in China 


Heather Elizabeth Clarke 
How Ontario Certified Teachers Use Evidence from Research to Inform their Practice

Farimah Salimi 
Exploring Educational Technology Policies and Practices of the World Bank

Julie Chami
Educational Currency: Teacher-Parents, Privilege and School Choice in Ontario

Mabruk Kabir
Public-private Partnership Schools in Punjab: Is there a Learning Premium that can be Explained by Management Practices?

Dmitriy Fedotov
Student Mobility and the Struggle over European Intergration: The Lessons of the Bologna Process

Kaschka Rennardo Watson
Navigating the Academic Leadership Hierarchy: Exploring Black Male Faculty Members' Advancement to Senior-Level Leadership Positions in Ontario Universities

Rema Passarelli
Teacher Leadership and the Education Management Hierarchy

Osama Jawair Butt
Promoting Higher Education Institutes: Issues and Practices

Emily Jean Hastings-Speck
Making a Beautiful Difference: How teachers support students with learning challenges in rural Nepal

Azima Thakor
Navigating Administrative Leadership An Examination of Brown Women Educators Leadership Experiences in K-12 Public Schools in Ontario

Vera Ermakova
Teachers' Perspectives on Nutrition and Physical Education Teaching Practices


Donald Bruce Gordon Forsyth
Docile Minds: Discursive Implications of Mental Health Policies Related to Young People in Ontario

Alisha Bhanji
Senior Government Officials' Educational Leadership Practices for Student Success Policy Making in the Government of Ontario

Ebru Bag
Reproducing, Resisting, Challenging, and Changing: Intersectionality and Narratives of Women School Principals in Turkey

Norin Taj
When Global Ideas Meet Local Contexts: The Case of Girls' Education in Urban Pakistan

Monica Virve Paabo
Undergraduate Students Persistence through Academic Probation/Suspension

Alaca Zahide
Schools, Summers, and Educational Inequality

Anthony T Persaud
The Nature of Scientific Thought: Teachers' Views and Pedagogies

Bo Mi Park
Unification Educators and the Enactment of Educational Policy for North Korean Refugee Students in South Korea

Soo Kyung Min
International Students' Social-emotional Experiences in Ontario Elite Boarding Schools

Wendy Jane Hughes
Graduates of Ontario Secondary Schools' Experiences in High School and Intercultural Attitudes

Shahrman Khattak
The Field of Higher Education in Pakistan as Experienced by Faculty: A Bourdieusian Analysis


Ira Robin Applebaum
Principal Practices of Authentic Parental and Community Engagement in Inner-City Schools

Fatema Rehana Hossain
Using Research Knowledge: South Asian Female Graduate Students as Knowledge Mobilization Agents

Lisa Maria Schlaich
Refugee Parental Involvement: A Study of Refugee Parents in the Greater Toronto Area

Ahmad Jibran
Principals and the Hiring Process for Teachers in the Private Schools of Lahore, Pakistan

Mary Ellen Kelly
An Exploration of School Leadership in Private International Schools in Kuwait: Navigating Complexity, Diversity and Market Influences

Rashmee Karnad-Jani
Invisible Work & Hidden Labour in Ontario's Public Education. A decolonizing Institutional Ethnography of Mothering and Teacher's Work

Cosmin Marmureanu
The Effect of Vegetation on Student Achievement in the Toronto District School Board

Rhonda Dynes
Distributed Leadership in Ontario's CAAT sector: English Department Academic Coordinators


William George Peat
Mind the Gap: How Economically Disadvantaged Students Navigate Elite Private Schools in Ontario

Stephanie Fearon
For Our Children: Black Motherwork and Schooling

Rachael Nicholls
A Walk Around the Lake: Critical Reflections on Place of Identity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Rural Ontario School Board

Kien Nam Luu
Experiences and Challenges of Instructional Coaches

Caroline Yearwood
Experiences of Secondary Long-term Occasional Teachers Seeking Permanent Employment in Ontario

Theresa Elizabeth Whitmell
Navigating Dilemmas in "Going Gradeless": Experiences of Teachers in Ontario, Canada

Annie Luk
Only in a Collective: A Narrative Inquiry into Leadership in a Collective Organizational Structure

Kimberly Ann-Marie Lefevre-Walke
How Ethical Transformative Ontario Superintendents Advance Educational Equity in their Districts


Stephanie Dimech
Then and Now, Knowing and Leading: The Lived Experience of Ethnicity and its Implications for College Leadership

Zbigniew Peter Reiter
Self-Efficacy and the Student Success Teacher

Karen Acton
Environmental Teacher Leaders: Motivation, Supports, and Barriers

Johnny Nguyen
Principal Leadership for Teacher Collaborative Inquiry

Sachin Maharaj
Teacher Unions in the Public Sphere: Strategies Intended to Influence Public Opinion

Claire Kelly
Women in Canadian Independent School Leadership: Perceptions, Career Patterns, and Possibilities

Hubert Brard
A Study Exploring the Narratives of Gay and Lesbian School Principals in Ontario


Katie Higginbottom
Women Directors of Education: Policy Consequences, Gender Perspectives and Leadership Strategies

David Cameron Hauseman
How Principals Manage their Emotions

Sharon Kamassah
The Impact of Post-secondary Educational Institution Policies and Practices on Indigenous Staff Recruitment and Retention

Judith Lyander
Orientation to Teaching as a Lifelong Career in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Tanzanian Case Study

Ayman Rizk
Strategies for Enhancing Education Governance and Management in Egypt: International Organizations' Perspectives

Sharon Scollard
Updating Vocational Curriculum in Two Year Diploma Programs at One Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology to Align with Current Industry Practices

Penelope Patrician
Rhetoric to Reality: Practices of Schools in Challenging Circumstances to Support Parent Engagement in their Children?s Mathematics Learning

Kristi Harrison
Examining the Leadership Role of the Dean of Business in Ontario Colleges: Using Narrative Inquiry to Reflect Leadership Identity Journeys of Selected Deans in this Role


Beverley Roy 
Perspectives and Expressions of Anishinabek Education Sovereignty from Rural, Northern Ontario (Mnidoo Mnising)

Stephanie Roy
A case study of a pilot Anishinabemowin (Ojibwe) immersion school on Manitoulin 

Michael O'Shea
Honouring the Jay Treaty: Cross-Border Tuition Policies at Vancouver Island University   

Andrea Urie
Perceptions of Special Constables on University Campuses                

Bonnie Jasper
Student spirituality: A role for administrators in community college?       

Dave Mammoliti
The Adoption of Micro-Credentials within Canadian Business Schools             

Juliette Sweeney
The Elusive Nature of Gender Equity in Canadian Graduate Engineering Programs  

Cassidy Gong
Understanding the subnational variation in the growth and development of private degree-granting institutions in China through case studies of Fujian, Hubei and Yunnan 

Mary McCaffery
Context Matters: Exploring Teaching Methods and Contextual Factors Influencing Grade 12 Teachers’ Writing Instruction  

Laura Leigh Murgaski
Hidden Curriculum Effects in the Canadian PGME Accreditation System as Experienced by Program Directors and Program Administrators  

Joanne Spicer
Implementing the Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-secondary Students National Standard of Canada in a Sample of Ontario Colleges  


Jessica R Denenberg 
Approaches to Fostering International Partnerships in Higher Education: Canada and Germany in a Comparative Perspective

Michael Klassen
Curriculum Governance in The Professions: A Comparative and Sociological Analysis of Engineering Accreditation

Catherine Ann King
A Social Cognitive Career Theory Approach to Understanding the Academic and Career Experience of Practical and Baccalaureate Nursing Students

Laurel Michele Schollen
Third-party Arrangements between Private and Public Colleges in Ontario: Benefits, Threats, Implications for Policy

Jennifer Lynn Sparks
Parental Involvement in the Lives of College Students in Ontario

Morag Carol Paton
A Foucaldian-Inspired Discourse Analysis of Administrative Staff and Faculty Relations in Health Professions Education

Willam Boyes
Sounding the Alarm: An Exploration of Professionalization within the Ontario Fire Service Focused on the Issues, Challenges, Pressures, and Opportunities for Transforming a Lauded Public Sector Institution

Fatima Samji
Excellence and Access for Ontario's Higher Education System: How Universities Commit to Both

Monika Moore
Managing Tensions in Equitable Disciplinary Teaching

Anila Zainub
Socio-economic Integration and Labour Market Outcomes of Highly Skilled Muslim Immigrants in the Canadian Knowledge Economy


Derek Trevor Stockley
Competencies and Challenges for Deans in Ontario Colleges

Richard Elliot Anderson
A Study of Differentiation within The Ontario College Sector and the Impact of Geography

Nadiia Kachynska
Fostering Global Norms of Research Excellence: National Policies and Strategic Responses of Public Universities in Central and Eastern Europe

Mary Michelle Overholt
Developing and Supporting the Dual Professionalism of CAAT Faculty Members

Philip Elias Semple
An Exploratory Descriptive Study of Implicit Bias in Police Recruits and Applicants at the RCMP

Lindsay Marie Rita Coppens
A Narrative Study on First-generation Women Students' Experiences and Persistence Decisions in Ontario University Mathematics or Physics Programs

Leping Mou
Cultivating Whole Persons through Liberal Arts Education: A Case Study of Three Universities in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

Alison Elizabeth Jefferson
The New Normal? The Practice of Doctoral Education during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

Timothy Allen Brunet
Humanities and Learning Outcomes in Ontario Higher Education


Edmund Adam
A Study of the Influence of Global University Rankings on Institutional Strategies, Decision- Making, and Policy Choice: The Case of Four Canadian Research Universities

Bahar Mousavi Hejazi
Implementation of Outcomes-Based Education In An Interdisciplinary Design Course and Curriculum: An Action Research Study

Hayfa Jafar
Internationalization of Higher Education and Imported Universities in Post-conflict Iraq through a Policy Borrowing Lens

Diane Simpson
International Joint Universities: Towards A New Model in International Academic Mobility

Graeme Stewart
Rocks Will Melt with the Sun: Higher Education, National Identity and the Independence Debate in Scotland


Christina Hwang
Assessment of World Mission and Higher Education Internationalization: A Comparative Study of Christian Universities in South Korea and Canada

Gina Antonacci
The Transformation of Community Colleges to Institutions of Technology and Advanced Learning in Ontario

Navroz Surani
Turning Brain Drain into Brain Gain: Harnessing Pakistan’s Skilled Diaspora 

Christian Noumi (Gides Christian Noumi I Tchoula)
Higher Education Policymaking in Africa: The Role of National Actors in Senegal and Ghana

Melissa Hynes
Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Selection and Admissions: Intentions and Perceptions

Grace Hojung Ryu
An Exploration of the Experiences of Post-secondary Education for Ontario's Multi-barriered Mature Students

Mukesh Goel
Mental Health Literacies of Secondary School Teachers in Ontario: A Mixed Methods Study

Timothy Mickleborough
A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of the Construction of Canadian 'IPG' Professional Identities and Subjectivities

Emma Sabzalieva
Responding to Major Institutional Change: The Fall of the Soviet Union and Higher Education in Central Asia

Janet Joanne Shuh
An Examination of Institutional Structures, Policy Narratives and Professorial and Other Stakeholder Perceptions and Experiences vis-a-vis Academic Integrity

Diane Barbaric
The Politics Behind and the Value of Outbound Student Mobility: Is Canada Missing the Boat?  


Paula Buskard
Exploratory Descriptive Study of Teaching Styles in One Ontario College

Renee Ferguson
Hidden among the under-represented: Foster youth access and persistence in Ontario post-secondary education.

Athena D’Amato
The Role of Internships in Developing Job Ready Graduates in the Field of Public Relations: A Humber College, ITAL Bachelor of Public Relations

Laura Capacchione
Dental Hygiene Curriculum and Core Competency Development: A Case Study of One Ontario College Program

Christopher Holt
Exploring the Construction of Entrepreneurial Identity Among University Students 

Arif Toor
Ontario's Graduate Certificates: An Exploration into Colleges' Perspectives and Students' Decision-Making Processes 

Cindy Hazell
What’s in a Name? A Historical Analysis of Seneca College’s Journey Towards Increased Institutional Differentiation within the Ontario Postsecondary System 2001-2012

Stephanie Dimech 
Then and Now, Knowing and Leading: The Lived Experience of Ethnicity & its Implications for College Leadership

Kathleen Clark
An Investigation of the Experiences of Graduate Students with a Mental Health Condition

Laurie-Ann Rancourt
Who Decides and Why it Matters: Institutions, Differentiation and Northern Rural Higher Education

Jeffrey Burrow
A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Study Abroad and Intercultural Competence

Everton Ellis
'Seamless' Transition to Citizenship? International Student Graduates, Race, and Structural Inequities in Canada's (Im)migration- labour Market

Aamir Taiyeb
Understanding External Policy Influences in Pakistani Higher Education

Janie Lin
Understanding How Minoritized Female Legal Professionals Negotiate Extra-corporate Commitments and Corporate Legal Practice

Lauren Wilson
The Influence of Junior Hockey Participation on Ontario University Male Hockey Players' Identity Development


Nadina Jamison
Impact of Matching Funds: Help or Hindrance?

Sharon Scollard
Curriculum Change in Community Colleges: Updating Curriculum to Align with Current Industry Practices

Cindy Gouveia
Fundraising in Ontario Colleges: An Emerging Profession?

Micki Puksa
Exploration of Online Teaching in Eight Prelicensure Collaborative Baccalaureate Nursing Programs in Ontario Colleges

Kristi Harrison
Examining Leadership in the Role of Dean of Business in the Ontario College System: Using Narrative analysis to Reflect Leadership Journeys in the Role

Arleen Morrin
Decentralized Budgeting and its impact on the quality of decision-making at a large research-intensive university: A Case study at the University of Toronto

David Kim
In This Together: The Impact of Mentorship Programs On The First-Generation Student Experience

Sharon Kamassah
The Impact of Post-Secondary Educational Institution Policies and Practices on Indigenous Staff Recruitment and Retention

Vera Dolan
Faculty Narratives of Disability in Academic Work

Paula DaCosta
Education Cultural Identity and Hybridity in "Different Spaces": Recent Immigrant Students Negotiating Settlement and University in Ontario, Canada

Cindy Gouveia
Fundraising in Ontario Colleges: An Emerging Profession?

Melinda Scott
Assessment in Practice: A Mixed Model Study of the Representations of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Competencies in the Position Descriptions of Student Affairs and Services Professionals in the Province of Ontario

Eric Lavigne
How Performance Appraisals Shape Leadership: A Multiple-case Study of Canadian University Deans' Reappointments

Amy Lemay
The Role of Expectations of Science as Promissory Discourses in Shaping Research Policy: A Case Study of the Creation of Genome Canada

Savithiri Ratnapalan
Perceptions of Change Among Emergency Department Staff in a University Teaching Hospital in the United Kingdom