Faculty Listing (Higher Education)
Our faculty have multi-disciplinary teaching and research expertise in a wide range of fields, including but not limited to:
Currently accepting master’s students (*) Currently accepting master’s and doctoral students (**)
Scholarship of teaching and learning; community colleges; developmental education; writing studies; writing program administration; military veterans entering higher education.
Elizabeth Buckner **
Higher education, globalization and neoliberalism; human development; higher education privatization; comparative, international and development education; Middle East and North Africa
Meet the Prof Video - Elizabeth Buckner
Ruth Childs **
Assessment design and equity; admissions processes; access to post-secondary education; evaluation systems; and survey research
New Video - Meet the Prof - Ruth Childs
Daniel Corral **
Higher education policy and finance; postsecondary access and persistence of racially minoritized students and immigrant students; minority-serving institutions; quantitative methods
New Video - Meet the Prof - Daniel Corral
Ruth Hayhoe
Comparative higher education and international academic relations; dialogue across civilizations; comparative education theory; Chinese and East Asian higher education
Glen Jones **
Higher education policy and politics in Canada; post-secondary systems and governance; changing academic profession
New Video - Meet the Prof - Glen Jones
Professor Glen Jones Research Website
Grace Karram Stephenson (Program Coordinator)
Academic profession; student experience; international and comparative education; educational administration; global knowledge economy
Meet the Prof - Grace Karram Stephenson
Eric Lavigne **
Higher education administration and management; organizational leadership, decision-making, and change; administrators’ recruitment, careers, and performance
New Video - Meet the Prof - Eric Lavigne
Samuel R. Lucas - Willam G. Davis Chair in Community College Leadership
Coming Soon
Maíra Tavares Mendes
Student transitions; Student experience; Access and retention policies in higher education; Critical pedagogy / popular education; Community-led institutional change
New Video - Meet the Prof - Maíra Tavares Mendes
Creso Sa ** (Interim Department Chair)
Science and technology policy; academic organization and strategy; universities, innovation and economic development; entrepreneurship and technology transfer; research and the policy process
Stephanie Waterman **
Indigenous college student experience; post-secondary student affairs and services; Indigenous student affairs; Indigenous methodologies; critical race theory
Leesa Wheelahan
Community college; politics in higher education; lifelong learning and vocational education; tertiary education policy; marketization and privatization; pathways in education; sociology of knowledge; college teacher preparation; education and labour markets
Adjunct Faculty
Jane Knight
International dimension of higher education at the institutional, national, regional and international level; knowledge diplomacy; regionalization; comparative analysis of national and IHE policies, international programs and providers
Jane Knight of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto is a long-term scholar of the international, intercultural and global dimensions of international higher education and its role in international relations. Her work in over 70 countries with universities, governments and UN agencies brings comparative, development and international perspectives to her research, teaching and policy work. She is the co-founder of the African Network for International Education and the book series on African Higher Education: Developments and Perspectives. She sits on the advisory boards of several international organizations, universities, and journals and is the author over 150 academic publications. She holds a PhD in Higher Education and a PhD in Political Science and is the recipient of several international awards including three honorary doctorates.
Jane Knight CV January 2024 (PDF)
Gavin Moodie
Relations between college and university education in developed countries; relations between postsecondary education and work; postsecondary education policy