Please note that this list is subject to change. The following courses taken with the listed faculty members are CIDE affiliated and will count towards your CIDE requirements. 

Please refer to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) website for the full Collaborative Specialization in Comparative, International and Development Education Course List and to the Registrar's Office Timetable for additional information.

Winter 2025

Course CodeCourse NameSessionInstructorDelivery Mode
CIE1001HS*Introduction to Comparative, International and Development Education20251Mary DrinkwaterOnline Synchronous
CTL1037HS*Teacher Development: Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives20251Sarfaroz NiyozovOnline Synchronous
CTL5041HS*Special Topics in Curriculum: Master’s Level Educational Research and Knowledge Production in Comparative, International, and Development Education20251Sarfaroz NiyozovOnline Synchronous
CTL1031HSLanguage, Culture, and Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher Development20251Patrick FinnessyAsynchronous
CTL1221HSEducation for Human Goals Local and Global: How’s Science Education Helping?20251Wanja GitariAsynchronous
LHA3182HS*Participatory Democracy, Activism, and Citizenship Learning20251Hye-Su KukOnline Synchronous
LHA5020HS*Special Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Master’s Level International Development and Education20251TBDAsynchronous
LHA5819HS*Special Topics in Higher Education: Master’s Level East Asian Higher Education20251TBDIn Person
LHA1043HSDecolonizing and Antiracist Approaches to Educational Leadership20251Ann LopezAsynchronous
LHA1148HSIntroduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy20251Marcelo VietaIn Person
LHA5108HSSpecial Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Master’s Level Anti-Racist Approaches to Community and Settlement Education20251Katherine EntigarIn Person
EDP3145HSAdvanced Issues in Educational Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation20251Francine MenashyIn Person
SJE1927HS*Migration and Globalization20251Soudeh Oladi GhadikolaeiOnline Synchronous
SJE5038HSSpecial Topics in Social Justice Research in Education: Anti-Islamophobia Education as Transformative Pedagogy: Implications for Teaching20251Soudeh Oladi GhadikolaeiOnline Synchronous

*Asterisk represents Core CIDE Courses

Fall 2024

Course CodeCourse NameSessionInstructorDelivery Mode
CIE1001HF*Introduction to Comparative, International and Development Education20249Sarfaroz NiyozovOnline Synchronous
CTL1060HF*Education and Social Development20249TBAIn Person
CTL1330HF*Education and Peacebuilding in Conflict Zones: International Comparative Perspectives20249Kathy BickmoreOnline Synchronous
CTL3040HF*The Education of Students of Refugee Background in Canada and Beyond20249TBAIn Person
CTL1011HFAnti-Oppression Education in School Settings20249Arlo KempfIn Person
CTL1307HFIdentity Construction and Education of Minorities/Identite collective et education minoritaire de20249Diane Gerin-LajoieIn Person
CTL1318HFTeaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution20249Kathy BickmoreIn Person
CTL1320HFIntroduction to Aboriginal Land-centered Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives20249Sandra StyresIn Person
CTL3000HFFoundations of Bilingual and Multicultural Education20249Stephen BahryIn Person
CTL3025HFEducational Sociolinguistics20249Katherine RehnerAsynchronous
CTL3100HFCommunication and Second Language Learning in the Workplace20249Julie KerekesIn Person
CTL3805HFMultilingualism and Pluralism20249Enrica PiccardoIn Person
LHA1066HF*Comparative & International Perspectives on Gender & Education Policy & Practice20249Carly ManionIn Person
LHA1067HF*Comparative Politics of Educational Policy (exclusion: LHA5006H)20249Claudia Diaz RiosOnline Synchronous
LHA1825HF*Comparative Education Theory and Methodology (RM)20249Ruth HayhoeIn Person
LHA5012HF*Special Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Masters Level Education in Emergencies20249Francine MenashyIn Person
LHA1041HFEducational Administration II: Social and Policy Contexts of Schooling20249Beyhan Farhadi (section 0101) and Norin Taj (section 0102)In Person (section 0101), Asynchronous (section 0102)
LHA3040HFAdministrative Theory and Educational Problems I: People and Power in Organizations20249Claudia Diaz RiosIn Person
LHA5109HFSpecial Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Master’s Level Language, Dialogue and Becoming in Adult Education20249Katherine EntigarIn Person
LHA6013HFSpecial Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Doctoral Level Qualitative Research Methods as Resistance [RM]20249Ann LopezOnline Synchronous
SJE3911HF*Cultural Knowledges, Representation, and Colonial Education20249Njoki WaneOnline Synchronous
SJE1921YThe Principles of Anti-Racism EducationFull YearGeorge S. DeiIn Person
SJE3905HFInterdisciplinary Approaches to Research: Theory and Praxis20249Abigail BakanOnline Synchronous
SJE3933HFGlobalisation and Transnationality: Feminist Perspectives20249Miglena TodorovaOnline Synchronous
SJE5019HFSpecial Topics in Social Justice Research in Education: Master’s Level Narratives of Exile and Migration: Implications for Education20249John PortelliOnline Synchronous

*Asterisk represents Core CIDE Courses

Summer 2024

Course CodeCourse NameSessionInstructorDelivery Mode
CTL1037HS*Teacher Development: Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives20245Sarfaroz NiyozovOnline Synchronous
CTL1031HFLanguage, Culture, and Identity: Using the Literary Text in Teacher Development20245Patrick FinnessyAsynchronous
CTL3008HSCritical Pedagogy, Language and Cultural Diversity20245Leigh-Anne IngramIn Person
LHA1826HF*Comparative Higher Education20245Grace Karram StephensonOnline Synchronous
LHA1846HS*Internationalization of Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective20245Phoebe KangOnline Synchronous
LHA5015HSSpecial Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy Masters Level: Enacting Policy in Schools20245Beyhan FarhadiAsynchronous

*Asterisk represents Core CIDE Courses