Faculty Listing (AECD)
Our faculty have multi-disciplinary teaching and research expertise in a wide range of fields, including but not limited to:
Currently accepting master’s students (*) Currently accepting master’s and doctoral students (**)
Katherine Entigar **
Migrant rights, justice, and contributions in adult education; critical applied linguistics, multilingual education and new language acquisition; feminist and dialogical pedagogies and methodologies; sociocultural theory
New Video - Meet the Prof - Dr. Katherine Entigar
Hye-Su Kuk **
Social movement learning, democratization, and deepening democracy, state-society relations, post-1987 democracy in Korea, adult learning theory, critical theory, (institutional) ethnography, comparative education
New Video - Meet the Prof - Dr. Hye-Su Kuk
Jamie Magnusson
Queer/Trans community organizing; sex worker advocacy; harm reduction; urban poverty and rebel cities; decriminalization; marxist perspectives (queer/trans BIPOC); critique of finance capital
Lance McCready **
Youth-adult transitions; youth policy and programs; African/Caribbean/Black populations; sexual minority youth; men and masculinities; educational attainment
New Video - Meet the Prof - Dr. Lance McCready
Kiran Mirchandani **
Gendered and racialized processes in the workplace; critical perspectives on organizational development and learning; globalization and economic restructuring
Shahrzad Mojab
Gender, state, diaspora and transnationality; women, war and learning; colonialism and imperialism; Marxist-feminism and learning; comparative and global adult education
Embodied learning and rhetorics; transnational feminisms; arts-informed pedagogies; community writing; migration, mobility justice, and learning.
Peter Sawchuk **
Workplace learning; trade union studies; technology and work; adult learning theory; cognition and communication at work; Marxist theory
New Video - Meet the Prof - Dr. Peter Sawchuk
Jennifer Sumner *
Food and sustainable food systems; critical pedagogy; rural communities; sustainability; the civil commons, the social economy and co-operatives
Marcelo Vieta (Interim Chair) **
Workplace and organizational learning for social change; sociology of work; alternative work organizations; critical community development; political economy of labour; social and solidarity economy; critical theory
New Video - Meet the Prof - Dr. Marcelo Vieta
Jennifer Wemigwans **
Community empowerment from an Indigenous perspective; Indigenous cultural expression and Indigenous knowledge through new technologies, education and the arts; convergence between education, Indigenous Knowledge and new media technologies