CIHE Speaker Series: The Federal Institutes: The Most Recent Model for VET in Brazil - Dr. Claudia Schiebeck


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The history of Brazilian VET started in 1909 with the creation of 19 Apprentice and Craftsmen Schools around the country and evolved along the country's development. In 2008 the Brazilian government created the Federal Network of Professional Education Institutes from the old federal schools expanding this VET system to 652 campi around the country. The Ministry of Education tasked these new institutes with offering free education for regions without access to higher and technical education, reducing social and educational inequalities since their mission is strongly linked to the regional economy. In 15 years, they have enrolled thousands of young people and adults, reaching more than 1 million students.

About the Speaker

Dr. Claudia Schiedeck

Claudia Schiedeck Soares de Souza is a retired professor of higher education at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS). From 2009 to 2016 she was the first female rector of the institute and holds a PhD in education. 

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