Learn about the future of global higher education. Connect with the postsecondary education community on topics ranging from embracing digital transformation and sustainability to navigating internationalization and globalization.
Dr. Elin Kelsey, a distinguished professor at the University of Victoria School of Environmental Studies, will discuss nurturing children's wellbeing and resilience amid the climate crisis with parents, students, and educators.
A fireside chat session with prospective and current Master of Education students discussing the day-to-day life of an international grad student at OISE.
The 2024 OISE GSRC will showcase our OISE students' academic work for the 24th year using the theme of “Despite and Because of Difference”: Cultivating Critical Conversations for the Future of Education. Find out how to take part!
Connect with colleagues and catch up with old friends while enjoying drinks and hors d'oeuvres at the Stratus Lounge in Philadelphia's historic Old City.