LHA1003H-Designing Master's Research Proposals | Diaz Rios, Manion | Core Course | | | | |
LHA1004H-Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy | Chmielewski, Diaz Rios, Lopez, Manion | Core Course | | | | |
LHA1040H-Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity | Acton, Davies, Mendes | Core Course | | | | |
LHA3003H-Designing Research Proposals in Educational Leadership and Policy | Flessa, Manion | Core Course | | | | |
LHA3007H-Reviewing the Literature | Menashy | Core Course | | | | |
LHA3008H-Professional Seminar and Dissertation Workshop in International Educational Leadership and Policy | Mundy | Core Course | | | | |
LHA3040H-People and Power in Organizations | Diaz Rios, Davies, Flessa, Menashy | Core Course | | | | |
EDP3045H-Educational Policy Analysis | | Elective | x | | | |
LHA1012H-Organizational Culture and Decision-Making | | Elective | | x | | |
LHA1013H-Developing and Organizing People in Education | | Elective | x | x | x | x |
LHA1016H-School Program Development and Implementation | Acton | Elective | | x | | |
LHA1018H-Political Skill in the Education Arena | | Elective | x | | | |
LHA1019H-Diversity and the Ethics of Educational Administration | | Elective | | x | | |
LHA1020H-Teachers and Educational Change | | Elective | | | x | |
LHA1030H-The Legal Context of Education | Zuker | Elective | x | | | |
LHA1035H-Sociology of Education | Davies | Elective | x | | x | |
LHA1041H-Social and Policy Contexts of Schooling | Farhadi, Flessa, Manion | Elective | x | | | x |
LHA1042H-Educational Leadership and Diversity | | Elective | | x | | x |
LHA1043H-Decolonizing and Antiracist Approaches to Educational Leadership | Lopez | Elective | | x | x | x |
LHA1047H-Managing Changes in Classroom Practice | Acton | Elective | | x | x | |
LHA1048H-Educational Leadership and School Improvement | | Elective | | x | x | |
LHA1050H-Themes and Issues in Policy, Leadership, Change, and Social Diversity | Acton | Elective | x | x | x | x |
LHA1065H-Global Educational Equity and Quantitative Policy Research | Chmielewski | Elective | x | | | |
LHA1066H-Comparative and International Perspectives on Gender and Education Policy and Practice | Manion | Elective | x | | x | x |
LHA1067H-Comparative Politics of Education Policy | Diaz Rios | Elective | x | | x | |
LHA1070H-Internship in Educational Leadership and Policy | Acton, Chmielewski | Elective | x | x | x | x |
LHA3030H-Advanced Legal Issues in Education | Zuker | Elective | x | | | |
LHA3041H-Doctoral Seminar on Policy Issues in Education | Lopez, Menashy, Diaz Rios | Elective | x | | x | x |
LHA3064H-Global Governance and Educational Change: the Politics of International Cooperation in Education | Mundy | Elective | x | x | | |
LHA5002H-School Leadership & Diverse Contexts | Lopez | Elective (Special Topics) | | x | x | x |
LHA5005H-Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers | Manion | Elective (Special Topics) | x | | x | x |
LHA5008H-Leading for School and Community Collaboration | Flessa | Elective (Special Topics) | | x | | x |
LHA5011H-Critical Race Theory in Education | | Elective (Special Topics) | | x | x | x |
LHA5012H-Education in Emergencies | Menashy | Elective (Special Topics) | | | | |
LHA5015H-Enacting Policy in Schools | Farhadi | Elective (Special Topics) | | | | |
LHA5017H-Critical Approaches to Online Learning | Farhadi | Elective (Special Topics) | | | | |
LHA5018H-Critical Pedagogy and Educational Change | Mendes | Elective (Special Topics) | | | x | x |
LHA5019H-Economics of Education Policy | Dhuey | Elective (Special Topics) | x | | | |
LHA6009H-Doctoral Special Topics Course in Leadership | Flessa | Elective (Special Topics) | | x | | x |
LHA6012H-Organizational Studies in Education | Davies | Elective (Special Topics) | x | | x | |
LHA6014H-School Leadership in Post Colonial Contexts | Lopez | Elective (Special Topics) | x | x | | x |
LHA1006H-Introduction to Statistics for Educational Research [RM] | Chmielewski | Research Methods | | | | |
EDP3145H-Methodological Approaches for Researching Education Policy [RM] | Menashy | Research Methods | x | | x | x |
JOI3043H-Development and Use of Surveys in Education Research (RM) | Childs | Research Methods | | | | |
JOI3048H-Intermediate Statistics in Educational Research: Multiple Regression Analysis [RM] | Chmielewski | Research Methods | | | | |
JOI3049H-Multilevel and Longitudinal Modelling in Educational Research [RM] | Chmielewski | Research Methods | | | | |
JOI3050H-Quantitative Research Practicum [RM] | Davies | Research Methods | | | | |
LHA3005H-Introduction to Research Methods for the EdD (RM) | Acton, Manion, Lopez | Research Methods | | | | |
LHA3006H-Data Analysis for the Education Doctorate-RM | Dhuey | Research Methods | | | | |
LHA3042H-Field Research in Educational Leadership and Policy (RM) | | Research Methods | | | | |
LHA6013H-Qualitative Research Methods as Resistance [RM] | Lopez | Research Methods (Special Topics) | | | x | x |
LHA6018H-Critical Approaches to Theory and Method [RM] | Farhadi | Research Methods (Special Topics) | | | | |