LHA1100H – Introduction to Adult Education | | Core Course | | | | |
LHA1101H – Program Planning in Adult Education | | | | | | |
LHA1102H – Introduction to Community Development | | Core Course | | | | |
LHA1103H – Introduction to Research Methods in Adult Education | | Methods Course | | | | |
LHA1105H – Introduction to Qualitative Research: Part 1 (RM) | | Methods Course | | | | |
LHA1106H – Introduction to Qualitative Research: Part 2 (RM) | | Methods Course | | | | |
LHA1107H – Developing and Leading High Performing Teams: Theory and Practice | | | x | | | |
LHA1108H – Adult Learning | | | | | | |
LHA1109H – Challenging Systems of Power and Oppression through Creative Approaches | | | x | | x | x |
LHA1110H – Approaches to Teaching Adults | | | | | | |
LHA1111H – Working with Survivors of Trauma | | | | x | | x |
LHA1113H – Gender and Race at Work | | | x | x | | |
LHA1114H – Commons, Community and Social Justice | | | | x | | |
LHA1115H – Learning for the Global Economy | | | | | x | |
LHA1119H – Creating a Learning Organization | | | x | | | |
LHA1120H – Professions, Learning, and Work | | | x | | | |
LHA1122H – Practicum in Adult Education and Community Development | | | | | | |
LHA1142 – Young Adulthood in Crisis: Learning, Transitions and Activism | | | | x | | |
LHA1143H – Introduction to Feminist Perspectives on Society and Education | | | | x | | |
LHA1144H – Queer Interventions: Tools for Community Organizing | | | | x | | |
LHA1145 – Participatory Research in the Community and the Workplace | | Methods Course | x | x | | |
LHA1146H – Women, War, and Learning | | | | x | x | |
LHA1147H – Migration, Resettlement, and Learning | | | | x | x | |
LHA1148H – Introduction to Workplace, Organizational, and Economic Democracy | | | x | x | | |
LHA1149H – Precarity and Dispossession: Urban Poverty and Rebel Cities | | | | x | | |
LHA1150H – Critical Perspectives on Organizational Change | Hye-Su Kuk | | x | x | | |
LHA1152H – Individual Reading and Research in Adult Education: Master’s Level | | | | | | |
LHA1180H – Indigenous Worldviews: Implications for Education | | | | | | x |
LHA1181H – Embodied Learning and Alternative Approaches to Community Wellness | | | | x | | x |
LHA1182H – Nonprofits, Co-operatives, and the Social Economy: An Overview | | | x | x | | |
LHA1183H – Master’s Research Seminar | | | | | | |
LHA1184H – Indigenous Knowledge: Implications for Education | | | | | | x |
LHA1190H – Community Healing and Peacebuilding | | | | x | | x |
LHA1193H – Adult Education for Sustainability | | | | x | | |
LHA1194H – Cyberliteracy and Adult Education | | | | | | |
LHA1195H – Technology @Work: The Internet in Workplace Learning and Change | | | x | | | |
LHA1196H – Walking Together, Talking Together: The Praxis of Reconciliation | | | | x | | x |
LHA1197H – The Pedagogy of Food | | | | x | | |
LHA3102H – Doctoral Thesis Seminar | | | | | | |
LHA3152H – Individual Reading and Research in Adult Education: Doctoral Level | | | | | | |
LHA3182H – Participatory Democracy, Activism, and Citizenship Learning | Hye-Su Kuk | | x | x | | |
LHA3183H – Introduction to Institutional Ethnography | | Methods Course | | | | |
LHA3184H – Indigenous Research Methodologies | | Methods Course | | | | x |
LHA5100H to LHA5120H – Special Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Master’s Level | | | | | | |
LHA5108 - Anti-Racist Approaches to Settlement and Community-Based Education | Katherine Entigar | Special Topics | | | | |
LHA5109 - Language, Dialogue and Becoming in Adult Education | Katherine Entigar | Special Topics | | | | |
LHA6100H to LHA6110H – Special Topics in Adult Education and Community Development: Doctoral Level | | | | | | |
CIE1001H – Introduction to Comparative, International, and Development Education | | | | | x | |
CIE1102H – Practicum in Comparative, International and Development Education | | | | | x | |
CIE1106H - Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Human Rights, and Democratic Education in an Era of Globalization | | | | x | x | |
CIE6000H - Special Topics in Comparative, International, and Development Education | | | | | x | |
WPL1131H – Introduction to Workplace Learning and Social Change | Hye-Su Kuk | | x | | | |
WPL3930H – Practitioner Communities in Workplace Learning | | | x | x | | |
WPl3931H – Advanced Studies in Workplace Learning and Social Change | | | x | | | |
SJE1925H – Indigenous Knowledge and Decolonization: Pedagogical Implications | | | | | | x |