Professor Campbell Leads New Teacher-Led Learning Circle on Formative Assessment

Professor Carol Campbell (Vice Chair – LHAE), Professor Christopher DeLuca, and Dr. Danielle La-Pointe McEwan, (Queens University) are leading the international research for an innovative new project on Teacher-led Learning Circles on Formative Assessment.
The project is to provide teachers with the tools and support needed to identify and establish effective teacher-led formative assessment practices that can be disseminated within, and across education trade unions. With funding from the Jacobs Foundation and led by Education International, the project has been implemented in seven countries.
Two important reports have already been published and can be accessed on the webpage of the newly launched project. The first report entitled “Teacher-Led Learning Circles: Developing Teacher Leadership and Teaching Practice for the Use of Formative Assessment to Improve Students’ Learning,” situates the project within the current field of practice. The second report, “Teacher-Led Learning Circles: Research Framework,” builds on the findings of the first, outlining the project’s research framework.
The new project webpage, housed on the Educational International website, will act as a hub for information and country-specific spotlights across the classroom, national and international contexts in the project’s countries.
Congratulations to Professor Campbell and her colleagues on their continuing, dedicated work.