Learn to Spot a Phishing Email

Infographic text
Learn to Spot a Phishing Email
Cyber Security Tips from Education Commons
Phishing scams are after your:
- Passwords
- Financial information
- Identity
- Money
Don’t take the bait.
1. Check the email address and sender name:
Look carefully at the email address. It may have extra words, letters, numbers or strange spelling. Scammers use familiar names or pretend to be someone you know.
2. Look for poor grammar & urgency:
Awkward writing and grammar errors, as well as pressure to act now or something bad will happen, are both warning signs of a scam.
3. Check for suspicious attachments or links:
Scammers will prompt you to click a link or verify your password in order to steal your information or lock you out of your computer. To check a suspicious link, hover your mouse over it – but DON’T click.
Protect yourself
- Use the report message function in Office 365 and email report.phishing@utoronto.ca
- If you didn’t expect the email, delete it.
- Change your password right away if it’s been compromised.
Questions? Contact Education Commons.
You can view recent phishing attempts sent to the U of T community in the Security Matters Phish Bowl.