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April 30, 2024

Partnership to provide literacy training to early childhood educators

Excerpt: "The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development will partner with the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick to provide training to 400 early childhood educators over the next four years. Beginning this fall, 100 of them in the anglophone sector will be invited to participate in a training program entitled Talk, Sing, Read Everyone, Everywhere! The training includes coaching and mentoring so that early childhood educators can feel confident about their skills."
Conférence G. Osson
April 29, 2024

Conférence du CREFO

Notre série de conférences du CREFO pour l'année universitaire 2023-2024 s'est achevée le 4 avril avec une conférence de l'auteur torontois Gabriel Osson.
April 28, 2024

Ontario Cracking Down on Cellphone Use and Banning Vaping in Schools

Excerpt: "Cellphones and mobile device restrictions in schools: Every school will have uniform policy to have cellphones on silent and removed from sight at the beginning of instructional time – the new default unless explicitly directed by the educator; If students do not comply, cellphones are immediately surrendered where there is no explicit allowance from the educator; For students in kindergarten to Grade 6, there will be a cellphone restriction for the entire school day, but they may be used with permission from the educator; A strengthened personal mobile devices policy with clear responsibilities broken down amongst staff and a requirement for best practices to be developed and shared with staff; Social media sites will be banned on all school networks and devices; Requirement that educators and staff model behaviour and not use personal mobile devices during class for non-work related reasons; New ban on sharing and recording videos or photos of individuals without explicit consent; $500,000 for digital literacy supports for students during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years."
April 26, 2024

New Brunswick ranks first in national report on early childhood education

Excerpt: "New Brunswick has ranked first in a report on early childhood education released by the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. “Our province is committed to providing quality early learning and child-care services to New Brunswick families, and the results of this report show how far we have come,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Bill Hogan. “Those who work in the early learning sector are shaping the adults of tomorrow, and they are supporting families who are at work and studying. They work incredibly hard every day and we deeply appreciate the work they do in laying the foundation for our youngest learners.”"
April 26, 2024

The Early Childhood Education Report: An In-depth Review of Early Education and Child Care Across Canada - Halfway through CWELCC: How are we doing?

Presented by Kerry McCuaig, Senior Policy Fellow, Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development; Emis Akbari, Professor and Program Coordinator, School of Early Childhood, George Brown College | Senior Policy Fellow, Atkinson Centre, OISE/University of Toronto; Shelly Mehta, Professor and Program Coordinator, School of Early Childhood, George Brown College, at the 20th Annual Summer Institute: Shaping the ECE Workforce for Canada’s Future, April 26, 2024
April 25, 2024

Manitoba’s second early learning and child care action plans

Excerpt: "Manitoba will shift the focus on affordable and accessible child care spaces developed under the Bilateral Agreement in previous years over to the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement as part of the long-term vision for affordable and accessible child care in Manitoba. This shift in operating funding for affordable and accessible child care spaces previously developed under the Bilateral Agreement to the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement allows for greater stability and long-term sustainability of developing affordable, accessible, flexible child care options. By offsetting costs from the smaller Bilateral Agreement to the long-term vision of the Canada-wide ELCC Agreement, there is freedom to develop new initiatives and models, and to be more responsive to the ideas and requests from the ELCC sector, key stakeholders and sector advocates, including members of the Minister’s Consultation Table."
April 25, 2024

Early Childhood Education Report 2023

This is the 5th edition of the Early Childhood Education Report (ECER). Established in 2011, the report is released every three years to evaluate provincial/territorial early years services against a 15-point scale. Results are populated from detailed profiles of each province and territory. The ECER scale is organized around 5 categories with 21 benchmarks forming a common set of minimum criteria contributing to the delivery of quality programming. This report captures changes to early years services from March 2020 to March 2023. As such, it is able to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on service provision, as well as the funding and requirements of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements (CWELCC) at the half-way mark.