The Atkinson Centre promotes research on child development, and the development of early learning policy and practice that serve young children and their families.
IEN marked its recent 30th anniversary by re-centring and reasserting a commitment to relationships with Black, Indigenous, and Black-Indigenous people.
The Atkinson Centre promotes research on child development, and the development of early learning policy and practice that serve young children and their families.
Excerpt: "Since the 2020 Budget, Ontario's Action Plan: Protect, Support, Recover, significant additional investments have been made as part of the Ontario government's urgent COVID-19 response, including: (…) $235 million in additional supports to protect children and staff in child care and early years settings."
Excerpt: "The Ministers recognized the efforts of provinces and territories to deliver high quality child care to families across Canada through well-established child care systems, particularly during the pandemic. Ministers agreed to initiate discussion for renewed bilateral funding agreements in accordance with the Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework, noting some common interests, challenges and perspectives on early learning and child care, including support for workforce participation."
The Atkinson Centre promotes research on child development, and the development of early learning policy and practice that serve young children and their families.