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March 31, 2021

Speech from the Throne

Excerpt: "The pandemic has highlighted difficulties faced by women in the workforce, especially around issues of childcare. My government is committed to working with the federal government on a national childcare strategy because childcare is critical to a thriving economy."
March 25, 2021

Invest in Early Learning and Child Care

The Atkinson Centre promotes research on child development, and the development of early learning policy and practice that serve young children and their families.
Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) logo.
March 24, 2021

Statement on Combatting Anti-Asian Racism

At JICS, we condemn all acts of hate against Asians.  We are horrified by the senseless murder of eight people, six of them women of Asian descent, in Atlanta, USA, last week.
March 24, 2021

Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan provide additional support for quality early learning and child care across the province

Excerpt: "The agreement allocates approximately $13.6 million in federal funding in 2020–21 for early learning and child care investments in Saskatchewan. Specifically, Saskatchewan will invest in continuing to support access to licensed early learning and child care, creating early learning opportunities for children experiencing disability, supporting Francophone early learning and child care, and training opportunities for educators and staff."
March 24, 2021

2021 Ontario Budget - Ontario’s Action Plan: Protecting People’s Health and Our Economy

Excerpt: "To support parents with the cost of child care and help them get back into the workforce, the government is proposing a 20 percent enhancement of the CARE tax credit for 2021. This would increase support from $1,250 to $1,500, on average, providing about $75 million in additional support for the child care expenses of over 300,000 families."
March 23, 2021

Review of Toronto Early Learning and Child Care Services

Excerpt: "The economic impact of investment in the child care sector includes three major facets: It is a job creator for those directly employed in the sector and for those who participate in the sector’s supply chain.; It creates opportunities for parents to increase their labour force participation. (As a job creator and a job facilitator it impacts tax revenue and GDP growth).; It positively impacts children by enhancing learning and health, which influences their future earnings and wellbeing, and contributions to the broader community."