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CIDEC Professional Development Series – Session 4: The Elevator Pitch
Facilitator: Zohra Lakhani
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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Divergent Trajectories of Confucius Institutes in Sub-Saharan Africa and North America: Understanding China’s Higher Education Internationalization through a Constructivist Lens
OISE Room 7-105
Presenter: Bingqing (Cindy) Shen
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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CIDEC Professional Development Series – Session 3: “Building Your Professional Network
Facilitator: Zohra Lakhani
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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CIDEC Professional Development Series – Session 2: Applying for Jobs
Facilitator: Zohra Lakhani
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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Comparative Case Studies: New Directions
OISE Room 7-105
Presenter: Dr. Lesley Bartlett
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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CIDEC Professional Development Series – Session 1: Telling Your Story
Facilitator: Zohra Lokhani
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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How do Syrian young adult refugee life experiences, pre and post resettlement, influence their aspirations and life chances in the adult education system in Montreal?
OISE Room 7-105
Presenter: Arianne Maraj-Guitard
Chair: Dr. Sarfaroz Niyozov
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What Motivates Students to Pursue the EdD?
OISE Room 7-105
Presenters: Dr. Joe Flessa & Dr. Karen Acton
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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All you ever wanted to know about preparing for and attending conferences
Presenters: Dr. Kara Janigan & Dr. Vandra Masemann
Chair: Dr. Carly Manion
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Internationalisation and Transnational Educational Collaboration Reframed: Programme Designs and Multilingual Pedagogies in a Disrupted Society
OISE Room 7-105
CIDEC & CERLL Research Circle Co-Sponsored Seminar
Presenter: Dr. Jo Angouri
Chair: Dr. Julie Kerekes