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Dr. Krishnamoorthy
Caste, Queerness, Indigeneity, and South Indian Learning Spaces
Faculty Speaker host Dr. Rishi Krishnamoorthy presents Caste, Queerness, Indigeneity, and South Indian Learning Spaces
Dr Alderson
Post-Secondary Education for Global Indigenous Co-Learning: Reflections from 2024 Indigenous Worldview Exchange Program
Guest Speaker host Dr. Aedan Alderson presents Post-Secondary Education for Global Indigenous Co-Learning: 2024 Indigenous Worldview Exchange Program
Dr ABC 1
Dr. Andrew B. Campbell - My Journey to Self-Decolonization: Emancipatory Pedagogy & Freedom Dreaming in Education
Faculty Speaker host Dr. Andrew B. Campbell presents Who are you without colonization?
Louis Busch
Kwayask Ayamiwin Kaki Nitaskākon (Good Words are Medicine): Articulating a Nēhîthâwâk Theory of Helping Work
Student Speaker host Louis Busch presents on Articulating a Nēhîthâwâk Theory of Helping Work.
Picture of Dr. Elizabeth Lange with event name and date
Our Great Work of Transformation: Anticipating the Symbiocene Era
Dr. Elizabeth Lange will detail some of the new “stories,” principles and practices of transformative teaching for sustainability and climate justice.
Image of Dr. Miwa Aoki Takeuchi
Toward Transnational & Trans-Disciplinary Possibilities of Socio-Environmental Justices - Dr. Miwa Aoki Takeuchi
252 Bloor Street West
Toward Transnational & Trans-Disciplinary Possibilities of Socio-Environmental Justices - Dr. Miwa Aoki Takeuchi
Image of guest speakers
Curricularizing Conflict for Constructive Democratic Peacebuilding Pedagogies in Initial Teacher Education: A Chilean Perspective
252 Bloor Street West
CIDEC - CTL Co-Sponsored Seminar
Logo for CIDEC - Comparative, International and Development Education Centre
Beyond the classroom: The struggle for refugee teacher professionalization amidst national inclusion efforts
Presenter: Dr. Mary Mendenhall (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Chair: Dr. Francine Menashy
Logo for CIDEC - Comparative, International and Development Education Centre
Educational Collaboration between Canada and China: A Shared History and Future Directions
OISE Room 7-105
Presenters: Profs. Guo Jin (Soochow University) and Doug McDougall (OISE/CTL)
Chair: Dr. Ruth Hayhoe
Logo for CIDEC - Comparative, International and Development Education Centre
Teachers in the Global Cultural Dynamic: Regionality and Regional Models
Nexus Lounge, OISE
Co-sponsored with Munk School of Global Affairs’ Initiative for Education Policy and Innovation.
Presenter: Dr. Gerald K. LeTendre (Pennsylvania State University)
Chair: Dr. Rie Kijima