Excerpt: "To realize these objectives, I ask that you achieve results for Canadians by delivering the following commitments. Supported by the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, continue advancing the creation and sustainability of a Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care system, including: Concluding negotiations with remaining provinces and territories and implementing agreements: Reducing fees for regulated child care by 50 per cent on average by the end of 2022 everywhere outside of Quebec, reducing regulated child care fees to $10 a day on average by the end of fiscal year 2025-2026 everywhere outside of Quebec, and building 250,000 new high-quality child care spaces and hiring 40,000 more early childhood educators by the end of fiscal year 2025-2026; Introducing federal child care legislation to strengthen and protect a high-quality Canada-wide child care system; Establishing a National Advisory Council on Early Learning and Child Care; Continuing to advance work with provinces and territories to reduce fees for families for before and after school care; and Ensuring the Federal Secretariat on Early Learning and Child Care is fully resourced and operational by early 2023."