Latest News & Stories


March 30, 2022

Government of Nunavut - Budget 2022-23

Excerpt: "Public Sector Accounting Standards require the government reporting entity to consolidate its total budget on a lineby-line basis using the same accounting principles and presentation as it uses to report its actual financial results. This document provides the consolidated budget for the Government of Nunavut reporting entity."
March 29, 2022

2022-23 Budget

Excerpt: "The 2022-23 Ministry of Education Budget provides record support of $2.9 billion, an increase of $219.9 million or 8.3 per cent over last year, for Prekindergarten to Grade 12 students, early learners and school and child care staff."
Zoom logo with lock image
March 25, 2022

Guide to Zoom security settings

A summary of Zoom security tips. We encourage the community to learn the basics of these security settings before creating or hosting a Zoom meeting.
March 24, 2022

Speed bumps ahead

The Atkinson Centre promotes research on child development, and the development of early learning policy and practice that serve young children and their families.
March 23, 2022

200 New Educational Assistant Positions Highlight $2.88 Billion Education Budget

Excerpt: "Saskatchewan's 27 school divisions will receive $1.99 billion in school operating funding for the 2022-23 school year, an increase of $29.4 million or 1.5 per cent. This increase will: provide an additional $6.0 million for learning supports for students; and fully fund the 2.0 per cent salary increase for teachers as part of the Teachers' Collective Bargaining Agreement."
March 23, 2022

Parent Portal offers online enrolment for child care

Excerpt: "Updates to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Parent Portal will allow families to enrol their children in early learning and child-care facilities online, cutting down on paperwork for families and facility operators. “We have been working to expand the services offered through our Parent Portal to help support both families and operators,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy. “We are pleased to work with early learning and child-care facilities to launch online child enrolment, which we hope will save time for families and our dedicated early learning and child-care providers. This information will also help us in decisions to improve services, child-care subsidies, and programs for early learners.”"
March 23, 2022

Hausse salariale du personnel éducatif / ECE Wage increase

Excerpt: "Early Childhood Educators approved for Level 1 will have an hourly wage increase from $19.00/hour to $23.47/hour. Through the Wage Support Program for Early Childhood Educators (WSP-ECE), this will increase the wage top up for Level 1 educators from $7.25 per hour to $11.72 per hour, representing a wage increase of 24%. Early Childhood Educators approved for Entry Level will have an hourly wage increase from $14.90/hour to $16.90/hour.Through the Wage Support Program for Early Childhood Educators (WSP-ECE), this will increase the wage top up for Entry Level from $3.15/hour to $5.15/hour, representing a wage increase of 13%."
March 22, 2022

Regulated Child Care Centres To Receive Workforce Enhancement Grants

Excerpt: "The Ministry of Education is offering a one-time grant to regulated and operational child care centres to assist them in recruiting and retaining qualified early childhood educators (ECEs). Funds awarded will be calculated at $145 per regulated child care space. This grant is supported by funding provided through the Canada-Saskatchewan Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement."
March 22, 2022

Delivering for Canadians Now

Excerpt: "Making life more affordable for people...through introducing an Early Learning and Child Care Act by the end of 2022, ensuring that childcare agreements have long-term protected funding that prioritizes non-profit and public spaces, to deliver high quality, affordable child care opportunities for families."