Gurpreet Sahmbi is a Sessional Lecturer at OISE. Her course load includes mathematics teaching methods and mathematics content courses for elementary teacher candidates. Gurpreet is also the Course Lead for the mathematics content course for elementary teacher candidates.
Gurpreet’s research interests include the experiences of preservice mathematics teachers during teacher education programs, and how teachers take up innovative mathematics-based professional development (PD) in their classrooms in mathematics (middle to secondary; secondary to tertiary); student experiences in pre-service secondary teacher education; and supporting elementary and secondary mathematics in-service teachers through professional learning.
Selected Publications:
- Jao, L., Sahmbi, G., & Lopez, M. J. B. (2021). The cycle of enactment and investigation: An approach for novice teacher educator professional development. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development (IJTEPD), 4(1), 30-48.
- Marks Krpan, C., & Sahmbi, G. (2020). Argumentation is elementary: The case for teaching argumentation in elementary mathematics classrooms. In S. A. Costa, M. Danesi & D. Martinovic (Eds.), Mathematics (education) in the information age (pp. 37-52). Springer