Clare Brett is Chair of the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning and Associate Professor in the area of Education and Knowledge Technologies. Her research and teaching focus lies in the area of education and knowledge technologies. Clare has also taken part in research on the design of blended learning environments in classrooms and has incorporated her findings as an instructor in her online graduate classes.
Clare’s research interests include online and distance learning; inclusion and community in online environments; teacher education; and graduate and K-12 contexts.
Selected Publications:
- Wilton, L. & Brett, C. (Eds.) (2020). Handbook of research on online discussion-based teaching methods. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Joordens, S., Paré, D., Walker, R., Hewitt, J. & Brett, C. (2019). Scaling the development and
measurement of transferable skills: Assessing the potential of rubric scoring in the context
of peer assessment. Toronto, ON: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. - Harwood, C. & Brett, C. (2019). Obuchenie online: The applicability of Vygotskian pedagogy to online teaching and learning. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (TICL), 11(2-3), 141-161.
- Harwood, C., Demmans Epp, C. & Brett, C. (2019). Appropriating Facebook groups to support literacy development in English for academic purposes contexts. In A. Palalas (Ed.), Blended language learning: International perspectives on innovative practices (pp. 134-156). Beijing, China: China Central Radio & TV University.
- Wilton, L., Brett, C., & Hewitt, J. (2018, April). Examining pre-service and non-pre-service students’ online course participation patterns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.