Alexandre Cavalcante

Assistant Professor


Faculty Profile

Alexandre Cavalcante is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE. Alexandre’s research is centred around numeracy education and how it can respond to the demands of a society in transition, where numeracy refers to the ways in which mathematics is produced, used, and perceived in everyday life contexts by different sociocultural groups.

Alexandre‘s research interests include financial literacy and numeracy; ethnomathematics; critical mathematics education; informal numeracy practices; entrepreneurship; and citizenship.

Selected Publications:

  • Căprioară, D., Savard, A., & Cavalcante, A. (2020). Empowering future citizens in making financial decisions: A study of elementary school mathematics textbooks from Romania. In D. Flaut, S. HoÅ¡ková-Mayerová, C. Ispas, F. Maturo & C. Flaut. (Eds.), Decision making in social sciences: Between traditions and innovations (pp. 119-134). Springer.
  • Savard, A., Cavalcante, A., Turineck, L., & Javaherpour, A. (2020). Some considerations towards the concept of money in elementary school: Money as measurement. For the Learning of Mathematics, 40(3), 22-24.
  • Savard, A., Cavalcante, A., & Căprioară, D. (2020). The representations of financial education among elementary teachers in Romania: Between cognition and citizenship. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of BraÅŸov, 13(62), 47-56.
  • Cavalcante, A., Polotskaia, E., Savard, A., Fellus, O. (2019). Teacher noticing of student thinking: An analysis of a teacher’s interpretation of mathematics problem solving. Bulletin of The Transilvania University of Brasov, 12(61), 9-18.