Panel Discussion: What can you do with a graduate degree in Science, Mathematics or Technology Education? Thursday, 5 December 2019

November 20, 2019   |   Uncategorised

We constantly hear about the shrinkage in full time faculty positions at universities across the country. In addition, we are told that teacher supply has not yet exceeded demand. So, what kind of career path can a person who is well qualified in science, mathematics or technology education envisage or pursue? The forum What can you do with a graduate degree in SMT Education? brings together panelists who have used their graduate degrees in science, mathematics or technology education to forge career paths outside of traditional school, college or university teaching and research roles. Panel members have graduated with MEd, MA, MT, and/or PhD degrees from OISE. Please join us for a lively discussion as panelists share their stories and trajectories; feel free to invite friends and colleagues.


This event will be video-recorded in front of a live audience. Free admission. Light refreshments available. Please RSVP.


4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, Thursday 5 December 2019. NEXUS Lounge (12th floor, Room 12-130), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON