Junior/Intermediate Math Lessons

Alphabetical Statistics: Part 1

Letters linked to numbers and a title that reads, "Alphabetical Statistics".
Using excerpts from books, students predict, collect samples, and compare their findings to make statistical inferences about larger sets of data.

Alphabetical Statistics: Part 2

Letters linked to numbers and a title that reads, "Alphabetical Statistics".
Using excerpts from books, students predict, collect samples, and compare their findings to make statistical inferences about larger sets of data.

Area and Perimeter

Graph papers overlapping with a title that reads, "Area and Perimeter".
Students use the sum of two dice to create the perimeter and area of shapes on a grid.

Card Collectors

Four playing cards stacked with a title that reads, "Card Collectors".
Students work in teams to determine the maximum, minimum, mean, median, mode and range of a group of playing cards.

Copy My Flag

Two flags made of paper with a title that reads, "Copy My Flag".
Students will practice their spatial language as they design and describe their geometric flags to their partner.

Spatializing Area

Two pieces of paper with blue and grey squares over top. A title reads, "Spatializing Area".
Students use cutout shapes to understand the relationship between size, area and relevant measurements.

Talking Tetris

Different shapes on grid paper with a title that reads, "Talking Tetris".
Students use directional vocabulary to compose and decompose structures on a grid using various 2D shapes.

Terrific Transformations

Two shapes drawn on two different sheets of graphing paper. A title reads, "Terrific Transformations".
Students get practice visualizing and manipulating features of quadrilaterals as they compete to modify a shape using as few moves as possible.


Cards playing the game war, with a title that reads, "War".
Students practice with number magnitude in a simple card game.