Dr. Avi Hyman - What does the ‘E’ in eLearning Really Mean?
We frequently hear the term “eLearning”, but is there an actual definition? Does it mean “online” learning? Does it mean computer-mediated learning? How about machine learning or adaptive learning? What is its relationship to educational or academic technology? And what of the role of the “teacher” in eLearning? And the role of “assessment”?
Come join CIHE for a lunch‐time conversation as we explore the meaning of “E” in eLearning. The session will be facilitated by Dr. Avi Hyman, Director of Academic and Collaborative Technology at the University of Toronto, and an OISE grad.
About the speaker

Dr. Avi Hyman
Director of Academic and Collaborative Technology, Institutional Strategist, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Leadership, Higher, and Adult Education, OISE