To register for the RWL12 Toronto online conference click here. We look forward to your participation! Please note additional information below.
Registration Fee Information
- Early-Bird (April 15, 2022) Faculty/Practitioner Registration Fees = $275 (Canadian Dollars)(taxes additional)
- Regular Faculty/Practitioner Registration Fees = $325 (Canadian Dollars)(taxes additional)
- Early-Bird (April 15, 2022) Student Registration Fee = $125 (Canadian Dollars)(taxes additional)
- Regular Student Registration Fee = $175 (Canadian Dollars)(taxes additional)
All are Welcome – Notes:
- Registrants, whether making a presentation or not, are warmly invited.
- All registrants will be provided: formal confirmation of registration; electronic copy of the conference program and the final proceedings; and, access to conference presentation recordings.
- All paper or panel presentations will be scheduled in the official conference program provided the final paper or panel written submission are received by May 31, 2022.
- All papers or panel written submissions will be included in the proceedings provided they are received by May 31, 2022 and the author(s) register for the conference.Â
For Accepted Proposals: RWL12 Toronto – Submission Formatting Requirements
The following applies to all (paper or panel-paper) submissions for inclusion in the RWL12 Toronto Conference Proceedings.
- Only MS-Word document submissions will be accepted
- Word length (not including references)
- Paper (authored or co-authored) Submission = 3,000–5,000 words
- Panel Submission = 4,000-6,000 words
- Font Times New Roman
- Font size 11 (all text: title, author name, institution affiliation, headings, body, references)
- Do not number your pages
- Title: centred; bold; one blank line separating title from author(s) names and institutional affiliation(s) also centred but not bold
- Abstract: title (Abstract) bold, right aligned; no blank line and all text right aligned; length is between 100 – 200 words
- Body:
- Paragraphs separated by one blank line
- Headings (three heading level maximum)
- Heading level 1 (bold; centred)
- Heading level 2 (bold; italics; right hand aligned)
- Heading level 3 (italics; right hand aligned)
- No blank line between heading and body text
- Figures and Tables to be placed in body of the text; numbered; title centred, underlined and appearing at the top of the Figure or Table; separate from body text by one blank line only
- Referencing: Title (References) bold, centred, APA 7th; no blank line between entries.