Faculty Conference Funding Program

Program Overview

The Office of the Associate Dean, Research, International & Innovation funds the OISE Faculty Conference Funding Program. The program is intended to support (but not fully fund) OISE conferences or research events organized by OISE faculty members and pre-approved by a Department Chair as a departmental activity. Up to $1,500 in funding is available per event.

Eligibilty Criteria

Eligible applicants

  • Hold a primary Faculty appointment at OISE, including tenure stream, teaching stream, and Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) faculty. Sessional lecturers, seconded instructors, and contract instructors may apply in partnership with an eligible faculty member.
  • Have not yet applied to this program during the current academic year.
  • Have secured departmental support and funding for the proposed event.

Eligible Activities Include:

  • Conferences or research events for the mobilization and/or synthesis of research knowledge.
    • These events must include at least 50 participants, some of whom are external to OISE.

Ineligible Activities Include:

  • Meetings for specific research projects, grant proposals, or book proposals.
  • Other knowledge mobilization activities such as publishing or book launches.
  • Travel to attend meetings or research events.
  • Panels or events at other conferences.

Application Process

To apply, please email a completed application form (PDF or MS Word document) to oise.research@utoronto.ca to the attention of the Associate Dean Research, International & Innovation. Include an email from your Department Chair confirming your department's support.

Please consult with your Department Business Officer to develop a budget in line with University Policies and Guidelines on Reimbursable Expenses

If the application form is not accessible, please contact oise.research@utoronto.ca

Applications must be submitted in advance of the proposed conference/event and are accepted on an ongoing basis.  Please allow 15 business days for your application to be assessed. Up to $1,500 may be requested through this program. Funding decisions take into consideration the scale of the activity and how the proposed event aligns with the funding criteria.

  • The date, title, and location of the event
  • The focus, goals, and expected outcomes of the conference/event
  • The participation of OISE faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows
  • The conference/event program and confirmed or invited speakers  
  • The number of expected and/or confirmed participants
  • How the event will be advertised
  • The cash amount contributed by your department
  • Any other potential or confirmed sources of funding
  • A budget for the event

Next Steps & Reimbursement

Work with your department communications officer to ensure your event is well advertised throughout OISE (e.g. on your departmental web page, the OISE Events Calendar, and the OISE lobby sign.)

Email the following scanned documents to your department Business Officer within 60 days of the conference/event:

  • Receipts for eligible costs incurred up to the amount awarded within 60 days of the conference or research event.
  • A completed Expense Reimbursement Form (Excel or PDF).
  • The final list of participants and attendees.

Please retain original paper copies of all receipts and signatures, as internal and external auditors may require them. If the links to the forms or instructions are not accessible, please contact oise.research@utoronto.ca.

Eligible Expenses

  • Speaker Honoraria
  • Technical support for online event

Ineligible Expenses

  • Research Assistant salaries
  • Travel expenses for OISE faculty or students