New Years Resolution: Making the most out of OISE & UofT

January 2, 2023

Somehow, it feels like I blinked and then suddenly, the new year is already sprung upon us. As someone who is fast nearing the end of her studies, I am fully aware that this is my last semester to make the most of UofT, OISE, and all that this community has to offer. So my resolution for the first half of the year? To seize the day and take hold of these four opportunities before they are no longer available to me!

Exterior of OISE

Now some of these activities are things that I have done in the past, but the vast majority of these items will be things that I have never done before...

Hopefully, this post inspires everyone to also use these wonderful services and opportunities at UofT, rather than waiting until the end of their degree to hastily try them out for the first time.

1. Using Health & Dental Benefits

This is something that I bypassed in my undergrad as well. I have never gone through the hassle of claiming my benefits, but I sure am determined to make the most of my vision coverage! As a graduate student, we are entitled to $125 for glasses, contacts, or laser eye surgery over 24 months.

2. Going to the Gym

The Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport is a UofT gym that is within 100 metres of the OISE building and available to all students. And yet, I still have not stepped foot in it. As all my friends and classmates tell me, it has great facilities and is well kept, but I cannot tell you much about it because I have never used it! Alternatively, the Athletic Centre by Spadina and the Hart House Fitness Centre by Queen's Park are both viable options as well.

Exterior of Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport

3. Booking a Room within the OISE Library

So this is the one thing on this list that I have done before, but I truly wish I did it more. Recently, I tried to book a room through the local library, and it's definitely not as easy or as convenient. The luxury of booking online, ahead of time for up to 4 weeks in advance and for up to 3 hours at a time, is going to be sorely missed!

Three study rooms in the OISE library

4. Brush up a Resume & Cover Letter with the Student Success Centre

It's application season, and my classmates and I have all spent the holidays catching up on the latest updates from the various school boards that interest us. What better way to make sure my application is in tip-top shape than to visit the OSSC? Appointments can be booked directly online, with various times and advisors to suit your personal needs.

And with that, I wish everyone the best for the new year. May we all learn a lot, grow a little more adventurous, and hopefully gain some wisdom along the way. Cheers!

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