The International Pathways Collaborative was formed in 2013 by a group of scholars who research education and education-to-work pathways policies and programs in different regions of the world. It has a particular focus on ‘higher vocational education’ or ‘higher technical education’. The Pathways Collaborative seeks to bring together researchers to provide insights for future research and policy, drawing on knowledge and experience across different countries.
Goals of the Collaborative include:
The 5th International Pathways Collaborative Symposium was held in Oxford, England in June 2019. The Symposium theme was Theoretically informed research on pathways. The Symposium was hosted by the Journal of Vocational education and Training, just prior to its 14th International Conference on Researching Vocational Education and Training ( An outcome of this and previous symposia is the production of a book to be published by Palgrave entitled: Equity, High Skills and Productivity through Higher Level Vocational Education, edited by Elizabeth Knight, Susan Webb, Ann-Marie Bathmaker, Kevin Orr, Leesa Wheelahan and Gavin Moodie. The book includes contributions from new scholars as well as established scholars. Here is the 2019 Symposium Program and Abstracts.
The 4th International Pathways Collaborative Symposium was held in Bolzano, Italy in July, 2018. The Symposium, themed Theorising pathways through and to education and work, coincided with European Educational Research Association’s 2018 conference.
The 3rd International Pathways Collaborative Symposium was held in 2017 at Worcester College Oxford, and was hosted by the Journal of Vocational Education and Training in advance of its International Conference, Researching Vocational Education and Training. The symposium was entitled: Higher vocational education, pathways and social inequality: implications for research and policy.
The 2nd International Pathways Collaborative Symposium was held in 2016 in Washington DC and hosted by New America and by the University of Illinois’ Office of Community College Research and Leadership. Its title was Pathways, transition and social mobility, and it was attended by a large number of policy makers and practitioners.
The 1st International Pathways Collaborative Symposium was held 2015 in Chicago, hosted by Professor Debra Bragg from University of Illinois’ Office of Community College Research and Leadership. Its title was Exploring International Perspectives on Educational Pathways: How Does Policy Affect Equity in relation to Opportunities for Progression and Social Mobility?