Lesley Wilton
Dr. Lesley Wilton (Ontario Certified Teacher, OCT) is a senior researcher for the PeppeR project and has been a faculty member at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, since 2012. At OISE, she currently teaches in the Master of Teaching program, and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy in face-to-face, blended and fully online formats. Dr. Wilton received her PhD in Education from OISE where she built on her research experiences during her MEd at York University, to research in the areas of new literacies and social practices in online learning. Her dissertation data has been presented at AERA, LRA and CSSE and has been published in the Online Learning Journal. She is also an occasional teacher with the Peel District School Board.
Dr. Wilton is the Chair of the Awards Committee of the Online Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group (OTL SIG), American Educational Research Association (AERA), and is the Committee Chair of the Biggar Hedges MT Awards.
In addition to her role as a reviewer for the AERA TACTL and OTL SIGs and TATE and LLRC at CSSE, she has been awarded a number of research grants including four Ontario Graduate Scholarships, two SSHRC grants, and a Sessional Faculty Research Grant (2019/2019). Dr. Wilton has also been recognized for excellence by the Toronto District School Board for her contribution to the York University Joyce PS Multiliteracies Project. She writes and presents on issues related to online learning, teaching with technology, TPACK, pre-service teaching, multiliteracies, artificial intelligence in education and social practices and new literacies.