African Caribbean Black - Family Group Conferencing

What is the African, Caribbean Black Family Group Conference Model

The African, Caribbean, Black Family Group Conferencing Project, also know as ACB-FGC will support black families at risk of, or lready engaged in, the child welfare system in Toronto. At the heart of our program is education, outreach, connections to community resources and family group conferencing, a meeting that brings families together to develop efffective plans that ensure children are taken care of and promote family well-being. We are a community-based program. We work with African, Caribbean and black families as they engage with child welfare agencies, ensuring your voice is heard.

What Happens at A Family Group Conference

Before a Family Group Conference takes place, you will be contacted by somebody who works for the project, called a Coordinator. It is our job to talk to you about what you want.

The plan will then be written up by the Co-ordinator and everyone will get a copy. The plan will be agreed to unless it is felt that it is unlawful or places a young person at risk.

A date will be set to meet up again to look at how everyone is getting on. You can have as many meetings as you need to straighten things out.

It could be that by getting together and talking to each other everyone will feel better. Family Group Conference make sure that everyone’s voice gets heard and that everybody has a say. Most importantly, you get listened to.

Why Have A Family Group Conference with us

You and your family know more about what goes on in your life than anyone else. You have no idea about what is needed to make things work.

A Family Group conference is a way of helping you and your family to make your own decisions about what is best for your future. We can also connect you with community supports and work to ensure all participants (family members, child welfare) are acting in the best interest of the child.

The Family Group Conference usually takes place in three parts:

  1. In the first part of the meeting the Co-ordinator makes sure that everyone has a clear picture of the reason for having the meeting.
  2. In the second part of the meeting, the family can then have private time to work out a plan together to look at how best any problem can be sorted out.
  3. Everyone will then return for third part of the meeting, where the plan will be discussed and agreed to.

When to Contact us?


  • When CAS/CCAS contact you
  • If you need help with CAS/CCAS
  • If you have a child/children currently in care

Service Providers:

  • If you are working with African, Caribbean or Black families who would benefit from community support
  • If a family requests our service

They will help you to decide who you want to invite and a date for your meeting. We will also provide a place to meet, refreshments and make sure that everyone can get to the meeting. We can help with childcare, transport, and other things that will make it easier for people to attend.