Taru Malhotra
Taru Malhotra is a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at York University. She completed her Master’s in Education (Literacy and Technology), and Graduate diploma in Early Childhood Education from York University, and Bachelor’s in Science from Delhi University. Her Masters research project focused on exploring the role of teachers in kindergarten literacy learning.
Currently, as a doctoral candidate, Taru is analyzing her data. Her dissertation focuses on University instructors’ beliefs, attitudes, and practices in STEM and non-STEM blended courses. She is also teaching a B. Ed. Foundations course: Theory into Practice to the pre-service teachers.
Taru’s interests and research center around educators’ beliefs, adoption of technologies, instructor-created videos, pedagogies, and their practices in online and blended environments in K-20. Her work is published in Australasian Journal of Educational Technology and Journal of Professional Capital and Community.
Taru, along with her research team, has also worked on evaluative projects in collaboration with Code of Ontario Directors of Education examining the effectiveness of one-on-one iPad implementation in a Canadian school board. Presently she is working on exploring instructors’ and students’ perceptions around teaching and learning in their blended courses. The study is being run in a Canadian University’s Arts and design department.