Kim MacKinnon
Dr. Kim MacKinnon has been a faculty member at OISE since 2007, and currently teaches in the Master of Teaching program in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning. She is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers, with qualifications at the primary-junior level as well as intermediate mathematics. Her research and teaching focus lies in the area of online and mobile learning in K-12 and post-secondary education. Kim’s research interests are focused on understanding how technologies can support and enhance collaborative learning. Some of her projects include: use of participatory simulations in science education, online research mentorships in graduate education, and examining the nature and implications of co-authoring and re-writing behaviours for knowledge building in online courses.
She has taught in both the pre-service and graduate programs, offering courses in Integrating Technology into the Classroom, Reflective Teaching and Inquiry into Research in Education, and Child Development. She also gives faculty workshops and presentations in the area of online and mobile learning. Kim has received a number of research grants including four Ontario Graduate Scholarships, a SSHRC Institutional Grant, an Instructional Technologies Innovation Fund, and she has also been recognized for distinguished teaching in both K-12 and post-secondary education.