Clare Brett
Dr. Clare Brett is currently the Chair for Graduate Studies in the Department, and Associate Professor in the area of Education and Knowledge Technologies. She is also an Associate Member of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) centre at the University of Lancaster. Her research and teaching focus lies in the area of education and knowledge technologies. Clare has been involved in research in the design of blended learning environments in classrooms for the last 20 years, and has been teaching in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE since 2002, offering many of her graduate courses fully online.
Clare’s research interests are focused in investigating technical and social supports, as well as challenges, for collaborative online learning and their application for online graduate apprenticeship. She has taught in both the pre-service and graduate programs, offering courses in educational psychology as well as online graduate courses: Theories of Learning and the Design of Online Learning Environments, and Educational Applications of Computer Mediated Communications. She also gives faculty workshops and presentations in the area of online learning with graduate as well as preservice faculty. Clare has received a number of research grants including ones from SSHRC and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation as well as a Distinguished Contributions to Teaching award.