Academic Publications
- Munroe, T., McCready, L. T., and Penney, K. (2019). Understanding sociocultural factors of canadian newcomer queer and trans young black women’s transition from high school to postsecondary education. In M. Blackburn and C. Mayo (eds), Queer, Trans, and Intersectional Theory in Educational Practice: Student, Teacher, and Community Experiences, London and New York: Routledge (pp.135-159).
- McCready, L. T. (2019). Queeruptions, queer of color analysis, radical action and education reform: An introduction, Equity & Excellence in Education, 52(4), 370-372.
- Jean-Pierre, J. and McCready, L. T. (2019). Introduction to Special Issue on gender and sexuality in African Canadian communities, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 44(4), 311-318.
- Husbands, W., Miller, D., and McCready, L. T. et al. (2019). Sexuality and sexual agency among heterosexual Black men in Toronto: Tradition, contradiction and emergent possibilities. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 44(4), 399-424.
- McCready, L. T. and Pereira, D. (2017). Exploring Transitions of YBMSM in Canadian Urban Contexts. S. Carpenter and S. Mojab (eds.), Youth in/as Crisis. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers (pp. 145-163).
- McCready, L. T. (2017). Black queer youth, unstable housing and homelessness. In A. Abramovich and J. Shelton (eds.), Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.…
- Carpenter, S., McCready, L. T., & Mojab, S. (2016). Youth, social crisis, & learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(2), 119-121.
- McCready, L. T. (2016). A call for all black lives. Special Issue of the AERA Division B Newsletter, 1(1), 44-49.
- McCready, L. T. (2015). A double life: Black queer youth coming of age in divided cities. Education Forum, 49(4), 353-358.
- Craig, S.L., McInroy, L.B, McCready, L.T., Alaggia, R. (2015). Media: