Current Projects

How Performance Evaluations Shape Leadership: A Multiple-case Study of Canadian Higher Education Administrators
The project aims to clarify how performance evaluations are experienced and understood by those on their receiving ends. The project includes perspectives from academic and non-academic administrators working in both colleges and universities.
This project is funded by 5-year SSHRC Insight Grant.
Participating student researchers: Erin Anderson, Sayeed Naqibullah Orfan

The Demographics of Canadian Universities' Provostial Appointments
The project examines the characteristics of Canadian university provosts appointed over the last twenty years to produce a portrait of their gender, race, experience, and provenance.
This project is funded in part by a SIG departmental grant.
Participating student researchers: Jasmine Carino, Joshua Grondin, Christos Orfanidis.

How Research Conceptualizes Organizational Change in Developing Countries' Higher Education Institutions
The project looks at the way research portrays organizational change in developing countries' higher education organizations. It uses an analytical and critical review of the research literature to 1) looks at what types of change has been investigated, and 2) how change is understood and presented by the researchers.
Participating student researchers: Angelina Rurui Liu, Ismail Arici

Ontario College and University Presidents and Vice-presidents: Clarifying their Gender, Race, and Career Trajectories Using the Sunshine List
This project looks at the demographics of the two most senior administrative roles in Ontario colleges and universities.
Funding: This project is funded by a SIG departmental grant.
Participating student researchers: Peilu Li, Christos Orfanidis, Joshua Grondin
Past Projects
How Performance Evaluations Shape Leadership: A Multiple-case Study of Canadian University Deans' Reappointments
The project examined how Canadian university deans experienced and made sense of their reappointments. It examined the politics of reappointments and their impact on deans' leadership.
Lavigne, E. (2022). Embedded, necessary, and problematic: The politics of Canadian university deans’ reappointments. Studies in Higher Education, 47(3), 604–615.
Lavigne, E. (2018). How structural and procedural features of managers’ performance appraisals facilitate their politicization: A study of Canadian university deans’ reappointments. European Management Journal, 36(5), 638–648.
The Changing Roles and Qualifications of Canadian University Presidents and Provosts
The project collected thirty years of job advertisements for the positions of Canadian university presidents and provosts to determine how their roles and qualifications were framed and had changed over time.
Lavigne, E., Cowley, S., & Sá, C. M. (2022). Scholarship, management, and leadership in academic administration: The case of Canadian university presidents and provosts. Tertiary Education and Management, 28, 121–134.
Lavigne, E., & Sá, C. M. (2021). The changing roles and qualifications of Canadian university presidents and provosts. Higher Education, 81(3), 537–550.
The Demographics of Canadian University Deans
The project looked at recent decanal appointments to draw a portrait of the Canadian university deanship: their gender, race, experience, and provenance.
Lavigne, E. (2020). The demographics and career paths of Canadian university deans: Gender, race, provenance, and experience. Studies in Higher Education, 45(9), 1949–1960.
The Roles and Qualifications of Canadian University Deans
The project collected job advertisements for the position of university deans to determine how their roles and qualifications were framed and whether they related more strongly to managerial or collegial considerations.
Lavigne, E. (2018). The collegial and managerial roles and qualifications of Canadian university deans. Studies in Higher Education, 44(12), 2304–2317.