Muriel Fung Student Appreciation Award

Award & Eligibility

Established by the Graduate Students' Association (GSA), the Muriel Fung Student Appreciation Award recognizes graduate students who have made outstanding extracurricular and volunteer contributions to OISE. In naming the award after Muriel Fung, former doctoral candidate in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (now Social Justice Education, SJE) and former OISE Research Officer, the Graduate Students’ Association recognizes her heartfelt commitment to developing the OISE community and concern with social justice issues both inside and outside of the institution. The qualities of service, leadership, and generosity of spirit demonstrated by Muriel Fung during her years with OISE include: acting as Vice-President of the International Student Association (ISA) and as Trustee in CUPE 3907 for three years, representing students on the OISE computer committee, volunteering with the Comparative, International and Developmental Education Centre (CIDEC), assisting many students and faculty in statistical analysis, coordinating events in SESE (now SJE) and being active in the former (OISE-wide) AntiRacist Network. These qualities are reflected in the efforts of those students who will be chosen to receive this award.

Please note that this award is NOT the Muriel & Danny Fung Graduate Scholarship offered by the Social Justice of Education Department. 

Eligible Students

  • OISE students that are currently enrolled at the OISE in either a full-time or part-time graduate capacity. 

Ineligible Students

  • GSA executives are ineligible for an award in the year that they hold an executive position.
  • Muriel Fung Student Appreciation Award Committee members are also ineligible for nomination.
  • Past recipients of the award.

Application Process

  • Complete the GSA Muriel Fung Award Application form which includes uploading:
    • Motivational letter
    • Up to two letters of support: Applicants can upload one or two letters of support from OISE community (supervisor/staff/faculty).
  • Note: Any incomplete forms (including those missing supporting documentation) will not be assessed by the Muriel Fung Award Committee.

Assessment Criteria

  • Leadership: Exhibits strong leadership and involvement in extra curricular activities.
  • Innovation: Develops solutions to problems or challenges.
  • Community Service and Impact: Commitment to making a positive impact in the community.
  • Academic Excellence: Demonstrates support for academic excellence.
  • Motivational Letter (a document that applicants submit as part of their award application to explain why they are interested in the award and what makes them a suitable candidate).
  • Recommendations

Application Deadline

Application deadline is March 01, 2025 at noon ET. All applications should be submitted electronically through this form. The award recipients will be selected by the Muriel Fung Award Committee, comprised of OISE GSA executive members and graduate student representatives.

Award Value

The individual award value is $250.00.

Award Presentation

The award will be presented at the OISE Graduate Students’ Research Conference (GSRC) taking place at OISE on March 21 & 22 2025.

Once the application is submitted, applicants do not need to follow up on the status of their applications. Updates will be posted on our webpage as soon as they're available.

If you encounter technical difficulties or have questions about this award, please email