12:15:41 And you will face.
12:24:20 And choice. So all of that's always invited, and we'll be starting with a bit of a meditation, a little bit of practice, and then come into a flow. So oh, welcome.
12:24:34 So, allowing your body to unfold in any way that feels right, we'll start with the meditation. We're not doing any flow yet. You can cross your legs, you can sit on the floor if that feels better for you.
12:24:46 So, with eyes open and closed, starting to settle in.
12:24:50 And maybe inviting an intention around.
12:24:53 So.
12:24:55 Auto. We've just had some linear holidays, especially with some cultures like the new festivals.
12:25:02 And Chusok. So time of gathering harvest.
12:25:08 With all the business of winter.
12:25:11 Transitioning into spring.
12:25:14 Type of rest.
12:25:17 Just one second I need to press record. Did you do it on this as well.
12:25:24 Okay, let me just do that.
12:25:27 Today's the 1st day.
12:25:29 So welcome. Oh, and you're gonna pay attention to allow people to come in right. So if you see somebody in the waiting room, you know how to do that. Okay.
12:25:38 So they might not just.
12:25:39 Yeah, I was. I would I would recommend.
12:25:47 If you're just feeling back into the body.
12:25:51 Just getting back to that feeling of.
12:25:53 So gather in all parts of the body.
12:25:56 Gathering her body, the mind.
12:25:59 All the other layers.
12:26:03 That you've done throughout the year.
12:26:05 And they gave this gathering of.
12:26:10 Starting to invite an attention, maybe around this idea of a harvesting of harvest and gathering.
12:26:17 Getting nourishing.
12:26:20 We see where it unfolds in the body.
12:26:26 Curious how it might continue to unfold.
12:26:29 The rest of our time together.
12:26:30 The rest of your day in the season.
12:26:34 And coming to an inner resource.
12:26:37 Okay.
12:26:39 Like a sanctuary or refuge.
12:26:44 You can access in a moment's notice.
12:26:47 Just by opening the senses to whatever field.
12:26:49 The ease are okay in the body.
12:26:52 Any imagery that brings you to the safe place.
12:26:57 Maybe a place in nature.
12:27:00 Maybe a familiar place.
12:27:05 Maybe in memory.
12:27:10 Maybe with with configure or symbol.
12:27:15 Whatever feels right for you, bring that in.
12:27:18 I'll be inviting a place in nature, but if that doesn't resonate.
12:27:23 Go back to whatever does resonate for you.
12:27:27 Voice, awareness in a resource.
12:27:32 Maybe open the census to walking in a forest.
12:27:36 All the different colors.
12:27:42 Browns.
12:27:46 Noticing the crunchiness of the leaves.
12:27:53 Other things come into perception.
12:27:56 Aiming to attach or detach.
12:28:00 Noticing how they are so unfold and expand.
12:28:04 In their own time.
12:28:08 Any noticing the breeze in the forest.
12:28:12 Caressive air on the skin.
12:28:17 Son.
12:28:20 Gentle rain.
12:28:23 Bird, song.
12:28:28 Maybe noticing where this resource is unfolding the body.
12:28:32 What do you feel this ease? And okay.
12:28:36 Might feel like a release of tension throughout the body.
12:28:41 The belly.
12:28:45 But cage.
12:28:46 Shoulders.
12:28:49 I feel like a release.
12:28:53 Just over job.
12:28:56 Maybe in the space between the eyebrows.
12:29:01 Forehead.
12:29:03 Feel like energy, flowing.
12:29:06 Heart, space.
12:29:08 The tighter body.
12:29:11 Or maybe it feels like something else.
12:29:15 Just taking a moment to fill into this inner resource this sanctuary.
12:29:20 Came this in the body.
12:29:37 Carrying that feeling with you as we start to awaken the body.
12:29:41 Starting to come to the breast, the body breathing itself.
12:29:47 Inhaling to the nostril, coolness.
12:29:53 Link to the exhale. Maybe.
12:29:56 Keeping it in that parasymath system.
12:29:59 Inhale with the nostrils any notice on the ribcage. Whole thing.
12:30:04 Exhale, rib cage falling.
12:30:08 Or sympathetic nervous system, or active reading space.
12:30:12 England, and nostrils repeated, opening.
12:30:15 I was in front and back, left and right.
12:30:19 Inside, outside, exhaling to the nostrils.
12:30:25 Maybe a couple rounds just like this through the opening, girls, and at its own pace.
12:30:33 Anatomy of breath.
12:30:38 Noticing to inhale middle breathing space for equilibrium, diaphragm.
12:30:48 As you exhale right moving downward like a J shape.
12:30:53 Again inhaling notice in the middle, breathing space front and back.
12:30:57 Left and right, inside, outside.
12:31:01 Exhaling.
12:31:07 The diagram.
12:31:16 Coming to the abdomen as you inhale abdomen downward.
12:31:20 Exhaling.
12:31:24 Or to be the diagram.
12:31:25 More restful or healing.
12:31:31 The valley.
12:31:33 Laurie's email.
12:31:35 You exhale everything upward.
12:31:41 Where does your inhale?
12:31:46 Very beautiful, present, now.
12:31:55 Just like this, noticing that the brand is always supporting us.
12:32:00 More active in the upper breathing space, or more calming in the lower breathing.
12:32:07 You last, inhale.
12:32:10 Page, opening the upward, billing downward.
12:32:15 Exhaling.
12:32:28 Just come back to just the meeting itself.
12:32:34 Pulling out the limbs.
12:32:37 The hands of the feet.
12:32:41 See a moment here. It's feeling the energy going through the body.
12:32:46 Live, reading itself.
12:32:51 To wake up the body when you're ready.
12:32:54 Again. Everything's an invitation. So feel free to allow the body to move in any way that feels right.
12:33:01 Starting with the hands.
12:33:05 Just along the fingers.
12:33:15 Guide you.
12:33:17 Maybe making fists.
12:33:21 Allows a movement in the wrist.
12:33:25 Direction or opposite direction.
12:33:34 Maybe open in the fists.
12:33:37 Noticing energy flowing through the arms, the fingers.
12:33:41 Perhaps interlace in the fingers. Here.
12:33:53 It feels like any other link, then like to be honest.
12:33:58 Exhale, find that internal rotation.
12:34:01 Waiting on the body.
12:34:06 Daniel, like this exhale, find that external rotation.
12:34:12 And at your own pace, maybe dynamic.
12:34:16 Inhaling and exhale hole in pace.
12:34:24 We'll start to bring in some into the cervical spine. So maybe from the hands, the head. If that feels okay, a lot of change.
12:34:31 Famous Lincoln to the back of the neck collection at the front of the neck.
12:34:34 But again, whoever feels right for your body, you can release the hands. If that feels good, they're just there for support.
12:34:42 When you're ready, maybe allow the rest on the fingers. So rather expansion in the front of the neck.
12:34:48 Function in the back of the neck.
12:34:56 Allowing this.
12:34:58 Opening and closing. So extension, cervical swine.
12:35:02 To the degree that feels okay in your body.
12:35:07 Inhale center, finding silence, maybe for the hand and back to the head, a lovely ear to fall towards the shoulder.
12:35:13 Selection on one side, expansion on the other.
12:35:16 Just breathing. Here, just take your time.
12:35:19 I was being jumped just something I meant quite enough. So it's really important to.
12:35:24 Neck.
12:35:26 You ready, inhale back to center, exhale having that collection on one side and extension on the other, but always noticing.
12:35:33 Maybe it feels differently on this side of the body.
12:35:36 Modifies. You need to.
12:35:40 Maybe like releasing the hand.
12:35:44 Enabling and exhaling.
12:35:45 Side to side like a rainbow.
12:35:49 The neck.
12:35:56 To center, just to come over to notice. We've just started to wake up the body.
12:36:00 The arms, the hands.
12:36:05 Cervical spine. So last movement is twisting.
12:36:08 That's really exhale. So I'm gonna twist.
12:36:11 And maybe you bring a hand to the neck.
12:36:14 Massaging daily muscles, or scm.
12:36:19 Pcs.
12:36:21 The wing guide you.
12:36:26 They can be curious. Can we bring in these movements? Maybe during the rest of the day, whenever the neck.
12:36:32 Talks to you sometimes those.
12:36:36 Voice of the neck.
12:36:40 Lisa, hand inhale back to center, exhale, find twist in the other direction.
12:36:45 And again take the hand once.
12:36:50 This side of the body, and enjoy that.
12:36:57 Your time when you're ready to hand again. Just.
12:37:05 Spiraling.
12:37:11 Gentle.
12:37:17 Take a moment as you're ready. He's coming back to center, really, just tuning into the body. Is there any places of.
12:37:24 And then thank you for a sense of groundedness bringing the feet to the ground.
12:37:31 Towards the edge of the seat.
12:37:33 Pretty much to the rest of us, so getting round.
12:37:46 And so with this I.
12:37:48 Again.
12:37:51 Excellent.
12:37:53 Inhale, and then, as you exhale, allow the chest to open into extension.
12:37:59 Really feel that the scap towards each other at duction, retraction.
12:38:05 Let me release the arms. So really, coming to this back, bend.
12:38:08 To the degree that feels okay in your body.
12:38:12 Chest to open.
12:38:22 Come on!
12:38:23 Exhale, just opens.
12:38:26 Inhale exhale coming to lateral. So maybe one hand comes to touch the side of the chair from the hips all the way to the fingertips filling that lateral side. Then.
12:38:37 Checking with the next wants to play.
12:38:41 So all the movements of this finance.
12:38:44 Can again do later on. Maybe.
12:38:46 After sitting for a long time doing work.
12:38:48 The body's gonna wanna look like this again.
12:38:52 As you're ready. Inhale.
12:38:54 Extension exhale even the hand rest on the other side for that lateral side. From the hips all the fingertips.
12:39:01 And feel your wavelength feel differently on this side.
12:39:04 Check in with the cervical spine.
12:39:07 To play.
12:39:09 Maybe lighting dynamic movement as you inhale. Notice the energy between the arms of the hand as you exhale.
12:39:15 The other side of the body.
12:39:17 So several times at your own pace, inhaling and exhaling.
12:39:21 Like a rainbow, just like we did in the cervical spine.
12:39:24 Side to side, but you have the side body.
12:39:28 Feel your way, maybe feel that length. You come to one side.
12:39:36 Come back to center again. Just take the moment to.
12:39:39 Tune, in, really connect.
12:39:41 The body moving, you.
12:39:44 Let's bring that sequence together, as you're ready. Inhale arms. Come up, axle.
12:39:49 Open up the chest. Extension scapular inhale, exhale. Coming to lateral siphon. Inhale.
12:39:59 Actual extension. Exhale one more time, inhale.
12:40:04 Exhale.
12:40:06 Inhale.
12:40:08 Exhale.
12:40:09 Inhale, exhale, beautiful.
12:40:14 Can you wear your hands to your waist, or you can bring it behind you if that feels okay, hold on opposite wrists or forearms.
12:40:19 And you'll get that lengthening through the app. So muscles, maybe scapula coming into aduction, and then a lot of the arts that guide you to a twist.
12:40:28 Last breath. Take your time, inhale back to center towards the opposite direction, should maybe roll from the shoulder, inhale, lengthen.
12:40:50 Yeah, on each side of the body.
12:40:52 Maybe it feels differently from one side to the other.
12:40:56 Another breath, and then maybe dynamic. So inhaling center, exhaling side.
12:41:03 Inhale center, exhale side.
12:41:05 Your own pace. There's no rush.
12:41:09 Back to center, come into the last movement, so excel can be deflection.
12:41:14 So we'll be releasing.
12:41:16 Can switch the interlace of the arms.
12:41:19 Releasing the neck to the degree that feels good.
12:41:23 Last breath beautiful! Inhale back to center.
12:41:26 Just release the arms. Just take a moment, break that whole sequence together.
12:41:30 So try that again. So we've done all the meetings.
12:41:34 When you're ready grounded through the feet all the way to the fingertips inhale, coming to extension, opening up the chest. Inhale extension, exhale lateral siphon.
12:41:48 Feel free to move at your own pace.
12:41:49 Inhale, exhale lateral.
12:41:53 Inhale, bring your hands to your hips behind you.
12:41:57 Opening up chest, eggs.
12:42:01 Inhale back to center, exhale, twist the other way.
12:42:06 Inhale, exhale, find inflection.
12:42:09 Feel free to switch the process.
12:42:12 One more time, inhale.
12:42:16 Extension, Exhale.
12:42:18 Scapular abduction. Inhale.
12:42:21 Exhale, lado, side, bend.
12:42:24 Inhale exil lateral siphon.
12:42:27 Inhale aren't anywhere that feels right. Exhale twisting.
12:42:32 Inhale excel, twisting.
12:42:35 Inhale this time it feels okay. If you interlace the hands behind you just opens abduction.
12:42:42 Deepening. We're not going the other direction.
12:42:47 Maybe interlacing the fingers the opposite way.
12:42:52 In the neck.
12:42:52 And then inhaling all the way back, up.
12:42:56 Let's just take a breath here. I'm just tuning in, maybe starting to notice energy flowing more freely throughout the body.
12:43:03 Or if there's anything that needs to be adjusted or modified.
12:43:06 Start to open up the hips, so maybe bringing in the ankle across the hand to the inner thighs, maybe flexing the ankle.
12:43:15 Like opening up.
12:43:16 And just finding any alignment that feels right for you. So maybe the knees over the angle or not, you can release it. If that feels better.
12:43:24 So always deepening that connection, gathering all the parts of the body.
12:43:28 All the layers.
12:43:31 We can do exactly what it needs. Whatever nourishment the body needs.
12:43:38 And maybe bring the hands around the knee as you inhale lengthen, twisted towards that knee. So, bringing in another twist, inhale lengthen, twist.
12:43:49 Agree that those are in your body.
12:43:52 Another breath.
12:43:54 Last breath, and he'll come back to center, and then, if he feels okay, can hold on to the leg, just open up the hip.
12:44:03 But.
12:44:07 Some of you practice yoga. This might be familiar.
12:44:10 So this might feel or not. It's up to you.
12:44:14 I feel like I'm cradling a baby so.
12:44:17 To the other side. You think a little bit of tackling into the leg.
12:44:23 The other side. So again, finding your stability on this side, it might be again.
12:44:27 View of the angle or not.
12:44:30 Maybe opening up the hip, maybe dorsal in the angle.
12:44:33 Just breathing here.
12:44:36 Again. This is something you do, even.
12:44:38 Work right? Nobody knows that you're doing something.
12:44:41 Actually, a lot of people do this. Naturally.
12:44:43 When you're ready, maybe bring the hands around.
12:44:47 Leg inhale lengthen, twist towards the knee.
12:44:55 Here.
12:44:59 Upper breathing spaces, or.
12:45:04 No matter, but.
12:45:07 Taking your time. Inhale back to center. I'm gonna get.
12:45:09 So we can close the hip.
12:45:14 And then see on this site. Maybe you're not gonna do this.
12:45:18 Always check in with both sides of the body.
12:45:21 Changes from moment to moment.
12:45:24 Little bit of deepening, but maybe.
12:45:27 Might feel myself seated on the floor.
12:45:32 And all these things you can do, seated on a chair while you're working. Maybe they can fist with the feet just like our hands very important, spreading through the toes.
12:45:48 Maybe lifting the heels. If that feels okay, feeling the shins through the calf, maybe lifting the toes.
12:45:55 Maybe rotation or any other movement.
12:45:58 So just at your own pace, noticing that we're.
12:46:02 Toes make exists, spreading the toes.
12:46:06 To pointing.
12:46:09 Function.
12:46:17 Got a few more minutes left.
12:46:19 Is there anything that anybody had? Any questions?
12:46:23 Share.
12:46:24 So maybe just coming back to the breath and.
12:46:27 Meditation effect. Goes, okay.
12:46:29 Alright. So, with eyes open or closed.
12:46:32 Maybe starting to settle in once again.
12:46:35 Noticing the body, breathing itself.
12:46:39 Is always supporting us, and whatever we're doing.
12:46:44 The upper breathing spaces.
12:46:47 Or equilibrium, and calming in the middle, breathing.
12:46:51 Restful or parasympathetic nervous system in the valley.
12:46:55 As you inhale coolness.
12:46:58 Opening.
12:47:00 Everything upward, building down as you exhale.
12:47:04 Coming up, or to meet the diaphrag.
12:47:07 Downwards, closing.
12:47:11 Couple of beds just like this, knowing that the bread is only supporting us, and we're doing it everyday life.
12:47:18 Just by lengthening the exhale.
12:47:21 Come back. Stressful state.
12:47:27 Also allow Vander resource to support us.
12:47:31 Always in the background.
12:47:33 Place of ease. And okay.
12:47:36 We can access just by opening whatever.
12:47:39 Imagery opening our senses.
12:47:44 Maybe to a place in nature.
12:47:47 For you to allow my words in, or just letting them float away. Bring in whatever words for you.
12:47:53 They're coming back in the forest.
12:47:57 Noticing the coolness across the air on the skin.
12:48:05 Colors in the trees.
12:48:09 Rounds and reds.
12:48:12 Crunchiness.
12:48:18 Song.
12:48:21 Gentle rain.
12:48:26 Something else.
12:48:29 Whatever safe sanctuary.
12:48:32 Right for you.
12:48:35 Noticing, how does this unfold in the body.
12:48:39 Feel is in a resource. This.
12:48:43 Always there.
12:48:47 Moment. So notice just by opening the senses.
12:48:51 And feeling in the body.
12:48:55 Feel a release of tension in the body.
12:48:58 Release phase of the job.
12:49:03 Maybe the forehead.
12:49:07 It feels like a release of the shoulders of the neck.
12:49:13 Every page.
12:49:16 Spelling.
12:49:22 It's noticing for everything.
12:49:24 Thoughts, emotions.
12:49:27 Sensations.
12:49:29 Expand, dissolving their own time.
12:49:33 Where they came from.
12:49:36 Unchanging awareness which we also are.
12:49:40 Spaciousness, timelessness.
12:49:44 In the background.
12:49:49 That intention we made at the beginning of the practice.
12:49:53 Around self-care.
12:49:59 Already so far this year.
12:50:02 Come back to this.
12:50:05 Gathering of all the different.
12:50:07 Bits and pieces of the body.
12:50:10 Honoring the body in mind.
12:50:12 Also gathering of our community. Again school starts again.
12:50:20 To to all of you. Come to make this.
12:50:23 Okay.
12:50:28 Thank you.
12:50:34 It's just the beginning.
12:50:38 I feel I'm good. I.
12:50:40 I have not checked it, and I.
12:50:47 That's something we need sometimes like different connections. If you really listen. Yeah, what is it that they need? That's actually. And then you might be more awake later. Your word, right? Yeah. Please keep coming here. It's free.
12:51:18 Yeah, I.
12:51:19 I follow the words, and then, especially when the last one at the beginning, you say, imagine the sunshine, or maybe I try. But it fell, but then the fog comes. So at the beginning it's the box in the forest.
12:51:36 The field is changed at the end, because when we walk into the bars again, I I thought, I will met the.
12:51:45 Again, but.
12:51:45 It's not some but blue sky. So just the moment change. And also when you say Green Company that I want at the beginning. It's a butterfly and then at the end, I'm trying to involve the previous slide guy, but I just know we don't.
12:52:10 Okay, fine. And then I tried to.