12:37:33 Questions okay. Alright. So before we go into our practice and continuing with our Kansas or pointers, these messengers connection and disconnection, we've been working on that and I just remembered some articles this one's the 36 questions that lead to love I don't know if
12:37:53 Anybody's familiar with that, and it was inspired by some studies falling in love with anyone by doing this by Many Land caption, and some some psychologists also did a study called experimental generation of interpretational closeness so all of that again, is on my website if you want to look
12:38:11 Into any of these studies, and they explored how, whether intimacy, a deeper connection between 2 strangers could be fostered more quickly by just having them ask these personal questions and they got more and more personal so my partner and I actually tried this because I was curious and it.
12:38:29 And there is a vulnerability. Because that's the idea.
12:38:31 Vulnerability might create closeness. So even with somebody, you know I live with.
12:38:35 We've never talked about some of these questions. I mean they they start off very basically like given the choice of anyone.
12:38:41 The world. Whom would you want to invite as a dinner guest, and even that was interesting, because we didn't know each other's answers for that, and they can be very deep so that's like the first question so you can imagine like as they get to the other questions they get more and more
12:38:55 Vulnerable and the final task. Part of this study is that they had people hold space for each other, they said, gazing at each other so, because I guess it was about love.
12:39:08 So 2 strangers kind of like. I don't know what that looked like, but we're kind of kind of do that, but not really like staring at each other.
12:39:17 So and this is what we're doing. So the sacred mirror, or Diet, or co meditation dyed. I don't know if anybody out there has ever tried it is anybody I know we kind of discussed it and you've tried it.
12:39:30 Yeah, so Kirsten Guest, who's a senior Irs teacher and my mentor at one of the retreats that she was leading and we did co-meditation diets, which is just the holding space and working with one-on-one even with just yourself and
12:39:46 It's like you're not necessarily even gazing directly at ourselves or that partner.
12:39:51 There's something else, and it's from somewhere else, you know.
12:39:54 So there's that connect to unchanging awareness, or that unchangingness that exists, and it feels like you're not even necessarily gazing.
12:40:01 Using your eyes so we're gonna learn how to sit face to fate with with ourselves or with each other.
12:40:09 And then in doing so you might learn how to sit face to face with anybody or anything that you encounter in life, and so I was suggesting that you could use your own phone so unless you have your own mirror so you can use your own phone to look at your yourself or I'll be using
12:40:28 The computer so you could use me as your partner. You can turn around if you want to, or it's all an invitation.
12:40:34 If you don't want feel like doing it today, you can just observe, so all of its permissible.
12:40:39 And so yeah, the invitation is just to practice in every moment, holding compassionate space for ourselves and for other people around us and everything
12:40:49 And so these are more sort of the directions. There's no right or wrong, and whatever you experience is the perfect experience.
12:40:56 So if you feel like I don't feel any connection.
12:40:59 That's okay. It it's our first time. So that's fine.
12:41:03 And then you can just ask yourself these different questions, so I'll I'll guide us through this, so we'll be asking where and how and what we experience as they go back and forth between being the observer or the seer as well, as being observed and feel like we're being.
12:41:19 Seen. And then we're gonna take a moment to feel what it is like, where we feel it, and how we feel it when we, when we do both at the same time feelings, though we're observing and being observed so maybe you've tried this before and it'll be it'll be a good
12:41:35 Experience even if you haven't so again, there's any option.
12:41:38 If anybody wants to prepare what they need, you can prepare your phone.
12:41:41 I'm gonna stop sharing in a moment and I'll guide us so even if you don't remember these questions.
12:41:47 That's okay, cause I'll I'll talk a second through all of this.
12:41:50 So I'm just gonna stop sharing here
12:41:53 Okay. So any questions before we start anybody out there? Any questions.
12:42:00 Okay, so yeah, so we'll just start, so you can just start to settle into your space, and whether you choose to use me as your partner or yourself, as your partner feel free to turn around or just observe everything's fine so while silently gazing with your partner or yourself or me
12:42:23 Going back and forth between 2 perspectives. So just set your own pace in your own rhythm when it feels right.
12:42:31 Let's begin with inquiring where? How? What do I experience when I alternate between first feeling myself as a subject?
12:42:46 Who's observing another, so feeling yourself as a subject?
12:42:51 Who's observing another, and just take a moment.
12:42:53 Just take a moment. Here.
12:42:56 And just whatever feels right in the body in the face, just taking a moment.
12:43:02 What does it feel like in the body when you're the subject?
12:43:06 Who's just observing another
12:43:14 Where does it arise in the body
12:43:21 And without attaching or detaching. Maybe there's emotions or thoughts that might be arising. I'm just noticing those also
12:43:36 I'm coming back to the body as well. What's happening in the body?
12:43:42 You're the subject. Observing another
12:43:51 Without needing to fix or change anything
12:44:00 And then, as you're ready.
12:44:02 Feeling myself as an object. Who's being observed by another.
12:44:08 So in the second perspective we are being seen and observed, and this partner, this other is the seer observer, so we're being witnessed.
12:44:19 Let's just take a moment to feel that in the body
12:44:24 When you feel yourself being seen or observed. Where? How, what do you notice in the body
12:44:42 There's no right or wrong, any emotions or thoughts, or arising
12:44:50 Without needing to analyze or judge. Just notice what's arising
12:45:03 When you're being observed, where do you feel it in the body?
12:45:12 If there's other perceptions coming in just having space to notice those 2 without attaching or detaching
12:45:27 And then, as you're ready.
12:45:30 Maybe take a moment to go back and forth between observing, being the witness this year
12:45:40 Feeling that in the body, noticing what's arising
12:45:48 And then being witnessed and seen or observed.
12:45:53 I'm feeling that in the body
12:45:57 Just going back and forth between one and the other at your own case.
12:46:12 Where and how and what do you feel?
12:46:17 You go back and forth, being witnessed being the winner
12:46:32 I'm just noticing. That's a rising in the body
12:46:41 Just being curious.
12:46:50 And then, as you're ready, we'll go into the next inquiry
12:46:54 Well, silently gazing at yourself for your partner or me.
12:47:00 Where, how and what do I experience when I feel myself is both the seer and the scene at the same time
12:47:12 The witnesser, and being witnessed the same time without merging, but being able to hold space for both the same time
12:47:22 Just taking your time.
12:47:36 Notice anything that's arising any emotions or thoughts, sensations
12:47:43 Everything's welcomed.
12:47:49 Holding space for both
12:48:07 Just take your time.
12:48:18 As you're ready. I want to invite
12:48:22 Maybe a body sensing or breath sensing, so feel free to open or close your eyes.
12:48:27 Did you settle into your space
12:48:31 Opening up your senses all around you.
12:48:36 Nothing to do or nothing to fix everything perfect, just as it is
12:48:48 Just welcoming the environment all around you. Everything coming to you
12:48:57 Maybe temperature
12:49:04 Maybe shadow or light between behind closed islets are opened
12:49:12 Any sounds inside or outside of the room.
12:49:23 If there's anything the body would like to just feel a little bit more comfortable, feeling free to make any adjustments at all.
12:49:35 During this practice, just welcoming everything as a messenger.
12:49:39 Nothing turned away
12:49:45 Maybe we're calling a heartfelt purpose or desire that brings you here today.
12:49:56 And as you're ready, letting it go, and noticing how it might manifest itself during this practice, or beyond an everyday life.
12:50:09 And we're calling an intention
12:50:13 One that supports you in fulfilling your heartfelt desire
12:50:19 Even at this very moment.
12:50:31 An experience, an inner resource.
12:50:37 This, unchanging, this, this refuge.
12:50:44 One that you can return to at a moment's notice.
12:50:49 Whenever you feel the need for ease or okayness.
12:50:57 And enlivening it with all your senses.
12:51:06 Perhaps imagery.
12:51:12 A place in nature.
12:51:19 Walking through snow.
12:51:23 Cool there.
12:51:28 Softness.
12:51:33 Christine, White, all around.
12:51:39 And quiet andness.
12:51:46 Perhaps it's a company by words.
12:51:50 Inner piece.
12:51:55 Joy.
12:52:00 Serenity.
12:52:05 And a felt sense in the body
12:52:11 Maybe you're release in the muscles
12:52:18 Relaxation of the jaw
12:52:21 Shoulders.
12:52:25 A deep breath in the entire body.
12:52:36 Just recognizing and affirming that you can come back to this inner resource, this unchanging source
12:52:44 At any time
12:52:49 During this practice, or beyond an everyday life.
12:52:55 Whenever you feel the need for feeling secure and loved
12:53:01 At ease.
12:53:08 Inviting my words to be your words.
12:53:12 Maybe inviting attention to float through the body
12:53:20 I'm just feeling your way
12:53:26 John mouth.
12:53:34 Knows.
12:53:41 Ears.
12:53:48 Eyes and forehead.
12:53:55 Without needing to shift or soften anything
12:54:03 Attention floating along the arms, palms and fingers
12:54:14 Torso and pelvis
12:54:21 Legs feet and toes.
12:54:29 Trusting our direct experience
12:54:34 Sensing into the unified body
12:54:39 I felt sense of your inner resource, of calm and well being
12:54:50 And feeling, the body breathing itself
12:54:59 Inhale to the nostrils.
12:55:08 Effortlessly feeling the belly.
12:55:15 Exhaling.
12:55:18 Belly empty.
12:55:24 Form air out to the nostrils.
12:55:32 Each changing sensation, revealing something unchanging
12:55:40 It's always here. This unchanging sources in a resource
12:55:53 As you're ready, maybe just taking a few moments to scan through anything that might be trying to call your attention
12:56:02 Any sensations.
12:56:06 Emotions.
12:56:12 Thoughts.
12:56:18 Any memories.
12:56:25 Or experiences.
12:56:33 I'm just feeling your way
12:56:37 Not needing to analyze, just holding space.
12:56:47 And if helpful, interweaving that unchanging in a resource, if calm and ease
12:56:59 Changing sensations arising and expanding.
12:57:08 Dissolving back to where they came from, and unchanging awareness
12:57:21 Maybe a heartfelt experience of joy arises all on its own
12:57:29 This to the changing sensation
12:57:37 Just holding space here for just a moment
12:57:43 Noticing how it also dissolves back to where it came from.
12:57:50 Just reflect on the journey you've just taken
12:57:58 Each and every changing sensation expands and dissipates all in its own time back to where it came from.
12:58:13 You start to transition back into waking life
12:58:18 Start opening up the senses back into this environment
12:58:25 Welcoming back, sound
12:58:29 Caress of air.
12:58:35 Glimpses the shadow and light
12:58:40 Maybe all the while
12:58:44 Just feeling that there's enough space
12:58:49 No space to hold ourselves and everything and everyone all around us.
12:59:00 Something to do just perfect already as it is.
12:59:06 Supported by this unchanging source. That's always in the background
12:59:12 Guiding us into always choosing the perfect and precise response from moment to moment
12:59:22 So if you're ready, you might invite moving in the body whatever that looks like, maybe moving the shoulders or wiggling toes and fingers.
12:59:32 While still feeling this deep connection to this unchanging source.
12:59:36 That's always there
12:59:38 I even wanna stretch out wide, inviting back everyday life.
12:59:44 I'm just opening and closing the eye several times, grateful for this time, for your self and the practice of Iris.
12:59:52 Thanks. Everybody. Yeah. How was that? How was the experience? Is there any any ending thoughts about what we just?