12:27:26 These sessions are inspired by and informed by the Irest Integrated Restoration.
12:27:31 Which comes from a yogic perspective of non dualism. So non-dualism is a Sanskrit word for not too.
12:27:39 It's a way of living life in each moment, feeling interconnectedness with everyone and everything around.
12:27:45 So it's not just a philosophy. It's an experience. And it's a way of being in the world.
12:27:50 So our practices are trauma-informed. So this predictability with each session. Phone this format or the structure of an opening, restoring with IRS, yoga, and meditation.
12:28:02 Releasing with some gently yoga movements and then a closing. And then choice. So everything offered as an invitation, allowing my words to fall away or using your own words or whatever resonates and control, feeling free to modify our just practices, tuning into whatever the body is asking for.
12:28:22 So your first hand experience.
12:28:25 Okay, hopefully it's not going to turn off. Try to get to the next slide.
12:28:31 So we're gonna come into a practice called the Days Review. It's what we ended the last year sessions with.
12:28:39 And some of you might be familiar with it. And as you find your habits or your routines to support you as busyness begins again.
12:28:49 Studying your teaching, maybe working or perhaps even parenting. This might be a nice way to end the day.
12:28:55 Or prepared for bedtime. So we'll just take the time to reflect upon the day. Understand you can interweave in a resource, which is that unchanging feeling volcanoes is at any time during the practice.
12:29:08 Inviting anything that feels unfinished. Events or situations or experiences. Taking the time to feel and imagine in the body.
12:29:17 The heart and the mind. Completing each experience. And then carrying a sense of completion. Maybe feeling perfect and whole, spacious, timeless.
12:29:29 As you go into rest or sleep with this practice. So I'm gonna bring this into the guided meditation today.
12:29:36 And then during this practice of irres, you'll be guided by my voice. So feeling free to find any comfortable position, which is lovely.
12:29:44 You can sit or lay down, maybe stand or move. All possibilities are welcome. So falling completely asleep is perfectly fine or rusting or seeing alert in awake.
12:29:55 And if there's any discomfort, feel free to open the eyes, ground the feet or find movement.
12:30:01 An invitation throughout today or this week. Until we meet again is to perhaps intentionally practice moment to moment.
12:30:09 Feeling this non separateness. From yourself and the world around you.
12:30:17 No matter what state, either wakefulness or sleep.
12:30:22 And then revisiting this practice maybe on your own throughout the week and we'll be putting up the recordings and the resources so they can support you.
12:30:31 So let's complete this time together with this IRS integrated restoration and just take care of any comfort, discomfort arises.
12:30:40 So we'll start just by settling in.
12:30:46 Whatever that looks like for you today.
12:30:51 Body positioning itself in any way.
12:30:57 Ice gazing or opening or closing.
12:31:06 Sense is liberated all around you.
12:31:12 Temperature. Colors, light. Shadows.
12:31:21 Any residue of taste?
12:31:26 Lingering sense or fragrances.
12:31:32 And the body making any final adjustments to feel comfortable. Okay, and at ease.
12:31:43 During Irest. Might you greet every experience as a messenger. Or a pointer. Just as it is.
12:31:59 Reflect upon the heart, deepest desire.
12:32:03 You're why for this lifetime.
12:32:10 Experience in a firm this felt sense. As if you're living it and expressing it. The entire body at this very moment.
12:32:26 Reflect upon an intention.
12:32:31 A why for this moment.
12:32:34 Or practice.
12:32:39 One that's a port you and realizing this heartfelt desire.
12:32:47 Whatever resonates for you.
12:32:53 Perhaps it's to welcome and be with whatever is arising in awareness.
12:33:04 Remember and fully walk of this intention the whole body in mind.
12:33:14 Welcome in the inner resource.
12:33:19 A safe haven or refuge.
12:33:23 Noasis.
12:33:28 Supporting and feeling secure. Safe. Love and at ease.
12:33:37 At a moment's notice.
12:33:45 Perhaps connecting through imagery. And live in by the 5 senses.
12:33:56 The place in nature.
12:34:02 Or an imagined place.
12:34:08 Perhaps in memory.
12:34:13 Maybe a summer memory.
12:34:16 Whatever words resonate for you.
12:34:20 You can even allow my words to just fall away.
12:34:25 Perhaps being with loved ones.
12:34:30 In familiar places or on an adventure.
12:34:38 Maybe outdoors or. Resting somewhere comfortably.
12:34:51 Soothing sense.
12:34:56 Or possibly delicious cuisine filling the air.
12:35:02 A freshness.
12:35:09 Warmth of being together.
12:35:15 Textures of clothing or the surroundings.
12:35:21 Familiar voices.
12:35:26 Nature sounds.
12:35:34 Or perhaps words.
12:35:37 Whatever connects you to this unchanging source.
12:35:43 Maybe inner peace.
12:35:48 Okayness.
12:35:53 Or a lack of something.
12:35:59 Words resonating for you.
12:36:07 And a felt sense.
12:36:10 Emanating from the heart.
12:36:14 Maybe a release of the muscles.
12:36:19 Hinges of the job.
12:36:22 Shoulders.
12:36:27 Or deep breath in the entire body.
12:36:34 Recognizing and affirming. That you can return to the inner resource at any time.
12:36:41 During this Iris practice.
12:36:45 And in everyday life.
12:36:48 Whenever you feel the need. For being secure.
12:36:53 Save. Okay. And at ease.
12:37:05 Allowing my words. To be your words. As attention floats through the body.
12:37:14 Without needing to fix or change anything.
12:37:21 Just feeling the way.
12:37:28 Attention resting on the jaw.
12:37:33 Mouse.
12:37:39 Dissolving through the nose.
12:37:43 Ears.
12:37:51 Attention through the eyes.
12:37:56 Forehead.
12:38:02 The entire face and head. As sensation.
12:38:11 Phone sensation throughout the body.
12:38:16 And even if other sounds might come into perception.
12:38:21 Not needing to fix or change anything just Noticing.
12:38:28 As they unfold and dissipate in their own time. Back to where they came from.
12:38:39 Just take your time to follow sensation throughout the body.
12:38:52 The unified face. Head and body as sensation.
12:39:04 And the felt sense of the inner resource of being and well being.
12:39:16 Attention floating throughout the body, breathing itself.
12:39:23 Changing sensations, revealing something unchanging.
12:39:28 Wholeness of being. Which you also are.
12:39:38 As you're ready. My to reflect upon be they so far.
12:39:44 All the ebbing and flowing of each moment unfolding.
12:39:50 With a curiosity.
12:39:56 Inviting any unfinished events.
12:40:00 Or situations.
12:40:04 Works for experiences.
12:40:09 Just the degree that feels possible for you.
12:40:20 Interweaving the inner resource of unchanging well-being and being.
12:40:36 And imagining and feeling in the body. Part in mind. The completion of each event.
12:40:45 Completion of each situation.
12:40:50 Completion of each experience.
12:41:02 Feeling the way.
12:41:12 And carrying this sense of completion and perfection.
12:41:18 And hold us into this rest.
12:41:28 And if nothing's present. Just being with whatever is most calling your attention.
12:41:40 Noticing if there's any other residues of the day.
12:41:48 Just taking all the time you need.
12:41:59 Dissolving into being awareness. A field in which your experiences are rising.
12:42:09 Expanding. And returning back to in its own time.
12:42:20 Feeling yourself as this unchanging source.
12:42:27 Unchanging awareness. Your being, which you also are.
12:42:36 And perhaps a feeling of joy appears. Joy that's independent of anything and anyone.
12:42:49 Even if other sounds or perceptions come in. Not needing to fix or change. Just noticing.
12:43:00 They dissipate in their own time.
12:43:09 And then maybe interweaving this felt sense of joy. The inner resource.
12:43:22 Taking your time. Feeling through the heart space.
12:43:31 And then noticing how joy is also a changing sensation.
12:43:36 Revealing something unchanging.
12:43:44 Imagine going about everyday life. Awareness awake and aware of itself.
12:43:56 Sense and affirm how on each moment. You always recognize the perfect, the precise response. To each situation in life.
12:44:13 Reflecting on this experience.
12:44:19 Welcome unchanging awareness and wholeness.
12:44:24 In which everything unfolds.
12:44:28 Expands.
12:44:31 And dissolves. Back in its own time.
12:44:41 Now just taking your time as you slowly transition back to waking life.
12:44:48 Maybe sensing the spaces and surfaces that have been supporting you.
12:44:55 Touch of air.
12:44:58 Any sounds.
12:45:02 Colors or light shadows.
12:45:08 Any sense or tastes?
12:45:15 And taking a few moments just resting in being.
12:45:19 Feeling spacious.
12:45:23 Timeless.
12:45:27 Connected.
12:45:32 Perfect and whole just as you are.
12:45:41 And when you're ready, eyes opening and closing several times, integrating this experience into waking life.
12:45:49 Anybody finding movement? Toes and fingers wiggling.
12:45:55 Perhaps feeling refreshed and ready.
12:45:59 The while accompanied by the felt sense of being. And wholeness.
12:46:07 Gradually moving back into everyday life.
12:46:11 Appreciative of this time for yourself. And I practice a virus.
12:46:19 Thanks everybody. Still a few more minutes. And if you want to bring in some movement here, I might turn on the light.
12:46:27 The light switch. And if some of you are at home and you're going into deep sleep, You can totally say with that too, or even if you're here, I guess, to go to date sleep.
12:46:40 So we're gonna just bring a little bit of movement here. Thanks, Della. And we might be able to share even after this people have time, but like I wanted to bring in some gentle movement to honor the format that we said we do.
12:46:52 So just starting in the neck, I tend to have neck problems. So we have a cervical spine.
12:46:57 So just even sitting up tall, however that is for you.
12:47:02 And then the actual extension in the neck. Just noticing the neck. And then again, at your range of motion.
12:47:10 If it doesn't feel right, feel free to adjust as you need to. So I'm going to invite an extension here.
12:47:16 So just. At your own pace you can bring in this extension nice extension in the front of the night selection in the back breathing here
12:47:24 And again, these are things you can bring in even during class, right? Coming into reflection. So maybe noticing the extension in the back of the neck.
12:47:34 And then doing some dynamic movement. So coming back to center axle extension. Exhaling extension. Inhale back to center, exhale, find flexion.
12:47:44 Just a couple of times at your own pace. Maybe you'll find muscles releasing on their own.
12:47:52 And when you're ready, we're gonna inhale back to center and then bring in the lateral sideband just in the neck and maybe open up the shoulders if that feels good.
12:47:59 Feel free to use a hand if that's supportive. So finding reflection on one side, extension on the other.
12:48:05 Again, your range of motion. And you ready inhale back to center, exhale, selection again on the other side.
12:48:11 I know I feel one neck a little bit more stiff on one side than the other. And then when the dynamic movement again, so inhale center, exhale side.
12:48:20 Inhale center, Excel side, just a couple times at your own pace.
12:48:28 Okay, I'm gonna bring in one more movement here, which is twisting. So as you're ready, inhale, actual extension center, exhale twist.
12:48:35 And then maybe see if you can exhale and gaze a little bit further.
12:48:41 Breathing here. Anyhow, back to center. Let's find that on the other side. So be gentle one side can be different from the other.
12:48:48 So be curious. Yeah, be playful. And then taking your time find that dynamic movement, inhale center exhale twist.
12:48:57 Inhale, center, exhale, twist. Good. Invite that to the rest of the body when you're ready.
12:49:03 So bringing in for thoracic fine lumbar so sitting up tall maybe grounding the feet or if you're in a cross position, any of the arms up, this long axle extension.
12:49:12 For the tailbone all the way to the fingertips breathing here. And when you're ready, coming into that exhale, that extension that we did.
12:49:21 Breathing here. Inhale.
12:49:25 And then exhale. Kind of like doing Cal. We're gonna bring that side, Ben. So inhale.
12:49:31 Excel side Bench. Just take your time. I want to hold on to the chair on your lap.
12:49:36 Breathe here. You know from the hips all the fingertips. Inhale center. Exhale, find that on the other side.
12:49:44 And again, your range of motion, your own case might won't even release the neck again. I'd like to bring in the neck as much as I can.
12:49:49 And you'll send to spend that on the other side again. Being curious now that we're doing it on the entire spine.
12:49:57 And then let's bring in that twist and maybe hands down. You can even bring your hands behind you actually if that feels okay.
12:50:03 I'm coming to the edge of my seat. Excel twist you might even find the arms guiding you.
12:50:07 You can roll up on the shoulder gazing behind you if that feels okay. Breathe here. Anyhow, back to center, exhale.
12:50:14 Twisting the other direction, maybe roll up in this shoulder again. So, gazing behind you.
12:50:20 Inhale center. Exhale, finding flexion. See the time, so I'm just gonna do this one time with all this, okay, so inhale, actual extension, exhale, extension, inhale.
12:50:33 Exhale, sideband. Inhale, Excel sideband. Inhale, maybe arms behind you, Excel twist.
12:50:42 That feels okay. Inhale. Exhale twist. Inhale, excel forward fold.
12:50:50 Release the neck. Alright, gradually come back up. Thank you so much everybody. Hopefully you can.
12:50:59 Interweave any of the practices we did today and hopefully the recording will be up soon. And if you have to go, good luck to you for the rest of the day, but if there's anybody who is wanting to say I'm just going to stop the recording here but thank you so much for coming and I'll look forward to seeing you again next week.