From 0-3 Years: Research that Informs Policy and Practice
The recent release of Early Years Study 3 reinforces the bridge between science, policy and practice. The earliest years of development is a sophisticated interplay between genetics and environment, a convergence that brings together parents, educators, researchers and policy leaders.
The 9th Summer Institute on Early Child Development examines evidence-based approaches to developing a comprehensive children’s and family support system starting in utero. It brings together experts, practitioners and key stakeholders who are committed to innovative collaboration to ensure the best possible outcomes for young children and their families.
This year, we are pleased to recognize the contributions of Jane Bertrand, a leader amongst leaders and an accomplished early childhood educator and advocate.
Building brains for the life course (PDF)
Presenter: Jenny Jenkins, Atkinson Chair of Early Childhood Development and Education
Modernizing Child Care: The Policy Perspective (PDF)
Presenter: Jim Grieve, Assistant Deputy Minister, Early Learning Division, Ontario Ministry of Education
Social Cognition and Development (PowerPoint Download)
Presenters: Mark Wade, PhD Candidate and Atkinson Centre Intern, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and Heather Prime, MA Candidate and Atkinson Centre Intern, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education