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March 12, 2024

Budget 2024-2025

Excerpt: "Our greatest ambition has always been the same: to give every child the tools they need to reach their full potential. This is our vision for the Québec of tomorrow. I am announcing that we are continuing our efforts with additional investments of $819 million with a view to: supporting student success by giving them access to the tools they need, for example with the catch-up plan; promoting the attraction and retention of school staff; supporting partner organizations in education; and continuing maintenance of the school building inventory."
March 7, 2024

International Women’s Day: Supporting the women who work in early childhood

Excerpt: "International Women’s Day gives us a moment of reflection on the status of women recognizing that achieving decent work conditions and gender equality in the workplace remain a challenge. The United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace declared on March 8th – this year’s theme is Invest in women: Accelerate progress. Early Learning and Child Care will see further progress if we invest more in the educators. On this International Women’s Day, we turn our lens to the working conditions of educators in early learning and child care recognizing that educators still earn less than the provincial average with extremely low rates of unionization. Progress is being made in the working conditions with the introduction of publicly funded pension plans in some early learning programs. The addition of over 80,000 new spaces under Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements (CWELCC) has created $ 10.00 per day affordable spaces for families. With a central focus on affordability and expansion of access, CWELCC has largely ignored the growing workforce crisis. With cursory attention to the working conditions of educators in some jurisdictions, many increases in licensed spaces are not operational due staff shortages."
March 7, 2024

Budget 2024–25

Excerpt: "Providing affordable child care: $42.5 million in continued funding for early learning and child care."
March 6, 2024

More funding helps B.C. families with school expenses

The Student and Family Affordability Fund will add an additional $20 million from the Province to help schools provide support directly to families within their school communities. Funding will be used to help pay for student necessities, such as school supplies, school fees and class trips, as well as additional costs associated with joining a school sports team or music program.